BSOD REGISTRY_ERROR After Leaving Computer Idle for around 4 minutes

Mar 19, 2016
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I originally encountered this problem after updating my wireless receiver, my integrated graphics card and my Bluetooth driver (all made by intel). Everything runs fine if I'm active on the computer, but if i just let it be after about 4 minutes that CPU rapidly spikes and ends with the BSOD registry error.

I looked at the dump with bluescreenview and it points to ntoskrnl.exe as the cuplrit. I updated every driver i could find, ran a memtest (nothing), ran a CPU diagnostic (again nothing), and the chkdsk repair tool. Still the same error persists. Please help!


Windows 10
Intel i7-4700HQ
Intel 4600 Integrated Graphics
Nvidia GTX 860M
750 GB HDD (WD)
120 GB SSD (Kingston)


    46.7 KB · Views: 373
Mar 25, 2016
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Exact Same issue here. in recent days it began after I updated my sql server from 2012 to 2014, also installed a trial version of mcaffe. the last straw was after an update of a program called source tree. The bSOD started with a BAD POOL CALLER while I was working. I uninstalled as many of the recently installed apps, no resolution. I did a restore point from a few days prior then the BSOD message changed to Registry ERROR my dump file looks almost identical to yours. I've backed up all my stuff. Running a Lenovo I7 desktop with 8gb of ram. windows 10. hoping its software related and wiping out my system now. ciest la vie. Its my work computer and I'm in the med field so unfortunately I can't post any dmp file. but Its almost dead on to yours. looking forward to another solution to starting from scratch.

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