SOLVED MSConfig Boot Problem - Can only Boot into 10 in Safe Mode

Sep 29, 2015
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Over the weekend I upgraded from 8.1 (which was working perfectly) to Windows 10. Unfortunately, it had a few problems - namely that it would 'hang' at random intervals (5 minutes to 5+ hours). In an attempt to isolate what was causing this, I was advised to use Msconfig to do a clean boot.

Unfortunately, in the process, I have rendered my PC near-useless, as I accidentally ticked the box "Use original boot configuration" under Selective startup. (I know, I know. I'm so cross with myself.) As a result, I am now presented with what looks like my old boot screen - offering Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 8.1 with Media Center, but no Windows 10.

(I originally had Windows 7 on what is now my D: drive. I ended up dual booting with this and Windows 8, but I'm pretty sure the version of 8.1 - which I've just upgraded to Windows 10 - was a clean install. It's certainly on my SSD (C: drive).)

Anyway, by using Change defaults... - Choose other options - Troubleshoot - Start-up Settings, I was at least able to bring up the screen that gives you Safe Mode as an option. This allowed me to boot into Windows 10 Safe Mode.

I went back to MSConfig and eventually found a way to deselect 'Use original boot configuration' (it was greyed out for a while). However, on restart, it still showed me the old options, i.e. no sign of Windows 10 Pro. It seems the only way I can currently boot into Windows 10 is via Safe Mode.

I've tried various things today - I tried to use Bcdedit to force it to look at the C: not D: drive, and I've tried booting with a Windows 10 DVD and using the Repair option (but partway into the repair process it starts thinking it's a Windows 8 machine again...).

I've just 'spoken' to a chap at Microsoft and he is adamant that there's no alternative (because there's no Refresh option under Settings - Update & Security - Recovery) but to reinstall Windows 8.0, and then upgrade to 8.1 and then Windows 10. As you can imagine, I really, really don't want to go down that route. But, at the moment, I can't even roll back to 8.1.

So... Any ideas? Given that I can still - sort of - boot into Windows 10, the correct MBR/BCD/whatever must still be on my C: drive somewhere, surely?

Help me, Obi Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope. (That, and attacking my machine with hammers.)
Sep 29, 2015
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Thank you! I'm delighted to say, after lots of swearing, I was able to get Windows 10 working again! I used EasyBCD and Dual-boot Repair 10 ( The latter could see that there was a Windows 10 installation that wasn't a boot option, but Automatic Repair didn't work. (And then later it refused to load at all.) So I used EasyBCD to create a new (Windows 7/8!) entry, and made sure that everything was pointing to the C: and not D: drives. I then used Dual-boot Repair to Repair MBR & Boot Records, and to Repair BCD. I'm not absolutely sure I needed all of these steps, but, one way or another, it worked!

I'm now, much to my great relief, back in Windows 10, and shall be sending suitable contributions to the makers of those two programs. ;-) I'm also very grateful for your suggestion, and am *delighted* I didn't do what the MS chap told me to. I knew Windows 10 was in there, somewhere.... ;-)

(It's been as solid as a rock since yesterday, so I now need to gradually reintroduce Services and Startup items, until I find what was causing Windows 10 to freeze/hang. But that's another problem, and I shall mark this one as Solved!)

Thanks again!


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
Thanks for the heads up and it is certainly good to hear that you're on your way to getting things sorted.

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