SOLVED global warming and our future!

May 6, 2015
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Two things. The billion climate refugees. That will be a version of WWIII as Europe keeps that billion from trying to move north. North America has less of a problem with that.
Overpopulation. The latest figures show that most countries are well below replacement rate now... except Nigeria for some reason ( that I am sure is being studied) So maybe that will solve itself. Examples Japan and Italy could lose nearly half their current population by 2100.

It would not surprise me at all if some people in secretive labs in some countries are not working on another virus either to kill more efficiently ( that is more surely but more slowly) than covid and or to reduce women's child bearing capability to no more than two live births in a a lifetime.

Dave, When I was born , and I am just a few years younger than you, the world's population was only 2.5 billion.


Sep 22, 2014
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It would not surprise me at all if some people in secretive labs in some countries are not working on another virus either to kill more efficiently ( that is more surely but more slowly) than covid and or to reduce women's child bearing capability to no more than two live births in a a lifetime.
I've been saying that for years.......I've been laughed at, spit at, actually come to blows with a few, alienated for it, ostracized but I kept my composer. So's all starting to come to the light of day.

When I was born , and I am just a few years younger than you, the world's population was only 2.5 billion.
It was 4 billion for me around high school age.
Nov 19, 2013
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And yet, periodically, the Scientist are coming up with new methods to have babies by other than normal means.
I have, for many years, advocated that there is only one single problem in the world, resulting ultimately in loass of resources and planet warming. Forget farting cows - there are too many people, by many millions! :mad:
Nov 19, 2013
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Quote Tim " Overpopulation. The latest figures show that most countries are well below replacement rate now... except Nigeria for some reason ( that I am sure is being studied) So maybe that will solve itself. Examples Japan and Italy could lose nearly half their current population by 2100."
If there obervations are correct - true. But not soon enough. By 2100 the world, unless there is a dramatic reversal, will already be in an state of no return. My poisy also di not convey the other side of the story. One of the main reasons for population growth is not so much "new arrivals" as , due to better conditions and care, increasing old age poplations (count me in on that) - Also possibly the reason for oil rich Nigerias statistics.
Apr 22, 2017
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Famine and war will take care of the over population, countries will wage war for water, food and other natural resources, most of the people writing in this thread are over 60 (I'm 66) so we won't be around to see it but what of our offspring?. :eek:
Nov 19, 2013
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Well, Prince Charles was at an environmental meeting recently. I think he hit the nail on the head
My words from memory, not his exactly.
" It is too late to save the world, but we still have time to make it a little more comfortable for our grandchildren"
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Nov 19, 2013
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That causes me to chuckle.
My family, in this kind of conversation, harp on continuously about the money being wasted on space exploration, including a modified, but similar plan, to create an environment on Mars!
There are plenty of deserts here they can play with. Unless a yet unknown means of propulsion is invented, space exploration in its present state, satisfies curiosity but offers us nothing
Apr 22, 2017
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Yes Dave, they are looking for intelligent life out there but haven't (to date) found any on Earth!. Lol. :p:p:p
May 6, 2015
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And yet, periodically, the Scientist are coming up with new methods to have babies by other than normal means.
I have, for many years, advocated that there is only one single problem in the world, resulting ultimately in loass of resources and planet warming. Forget farting cows - there are too many people, by many millions! :mad:
Fortunately they are all expensive so used much less than they could be.
May 6, 2015
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Quote Tim " Overpopulation. The latest figures show that most countries are well below replacement rate now... except Nigeria for some reason ( that I am sure is being studied) So maybe that will solve itself. Examples Japan and Italy could lose nearly half their current population by 2100."
If there observations are correct - true. But not soon enough. By 2100 the world, unless there is a dramatic reversal, will already be in an state of no return. My poisy also did not convey the other side of the story. One of the main reasons for population growth is not so much "new arrivals" as , due to better conditions and care, increasing old age populations (count me in on that) - Also possibly the reason for oil rich Nigeria's statistics.
I think the required number of people to disappear is probably 4 billion plus . Someone suggested, from data, years ago that the planet could support 3 billion at a US standard of living and 4 billion at a EU standard.

Assuming one wants a livable planet, the only way to get rid of 4 billion people would be a targeted and carefully engineered disease and to make it difficult it would have to happen in such a way that disease was not discovered in time for one of the nuclear powers to start a war.
Nov 19, 2013
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Undoubtedly you have got the info right. but I am of the opinion that there is a lot more involved than a reduction of the people on the planet. It would depend on how active they are in environment technique, such as growing there own edibles, celandines, and several other factors. and .most imporant, there average standard of life and how far down that path they are prepared to go.
With that in mind, if they can wake themselves up to the realities, the the African continent, as a whole, could be the survivor.
Apr 22, 2017
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Ships can save a ton of fuel if they are allowed to use the Northwest Passage, Canada is slowly coming around to the idea to open it up, but still has problems about safety because there are no life saving services on the possible routes!, Search & Rescue/Life Boots etc. :cool:

Northwest Passage - Wikipedia
Nov 19, 2013
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Moving into the vey close future. They van jusy about sail across the artic entirely now.

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