SOLVED *Untitled - Notepad (Not Responding)

Sep 7, 2020
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WT-FREAKING-F ???? NEVER, before Windows 10, have I had issues with Notepad freezing. Never had issues of any kind with Notepad for that matter. If someone was to develop a safe and user-friendly O/S (sorta like... ohhhh, I dunno - XP maybe), I would drop MS and Windows in a heartbeat. All MS and their almighty idiocy did when they created Windows 10 was create more headaches for users.

Who ever heard of Notepad FREEZING???!!! Can you break anything else, MS? Huh? Can you?? I guess that's a stupid question... we all know if you can, you WILL !

Okay. Now that I got THAT off my chest... does anyone have any idea what could cause Notepad to freeze, and how to fix it? Sounds stupid, doesn't it? A shame a question like this has to be asked. It happens when I go to save a .txt. Doesn't happen all the time...but geez!! Shouldn't happen at all. Not sure now if it started before or after the update to version 1909 or not. But I sorta think after, though...along with all the other little annoyances that magically appeared after that update!

Thanks, hello to everyone, and apologies for the rant...but by golly, my head would have exploded had I kept that in... LOL

PS. accidentally clikked wrong forum. Perhaps a Mod can move this please?
Nov 19, 2013
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Not the right section, but good enough.

A very unusual problem though. I have no read of it before. Have you been making any tweaks in the registry or Gpedit?
Check where you default "save" destination is.
Sep 7, 2020
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"Not the right section, but good enough." - davehc
Originally posted this by accident in Windows 10 News, and asked that a Moderator move it. I assumed it would be moved to Windows 10 Support. My apologies for the rough start.

I've not been brave enough to venture into the registry of Win10...and to be honest, I'm not sure what Gpedit is, though I've seen mention of it in other places.

As for the default save destination, I believe it's This PC >> Documents, but I don't save to that location and never have.
Nov 19, 2013
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Possibly a fault in the shortcut then. Are you starting it from the menu?
Try this and see if there is any improvement.
Go to this path in the File Explorer.

Scan down the list to Notepade.exe.
Right click it and select Copy.

Right click on the desktop and select paste.

Now try the shortcut a few time, and see if it improves.

You can also try Wordpad. This is a superior writer, built in. It has enough functions to use as a basic word.processor
Sep 5, 2019
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It happens when I go to save a .txt. Doesn't happen all the time...but geez!! Shouldn't happen at all. Not sure now if it started before or after the update to version 1909 or not. But I sorta think after, though...along with all the other little annoyances that magically appeared after that update!
Since it occasionally happens when you try to save it may be an issue with drive/paths having to be re-scanned. Happens whenever you plug/unplug a USB drive or a new network share is found. Happens to me too occasionally whenever I open file explorer - momentary freeze, sometimes 'not responding' error message but then normal operation resumes. Annoying but it's just Windows 10. I'm on 1903 btw.
Sep 7, 2020
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Possibly a fault in the shortcut then. Are you starting it from the menu?
Yes. But the shortcut was not always there - shortly after getting this PC, I created a shortcut to put in Programs (I use Classic Shell). The shortcut was created from the .exe located in C:Windows/System32. Despite the fact that I never experienced the "not responding" issue before the update to vs 1909, I've deleted the shortcut and created a copy of the Notepad .exe per your instructions, however, Notepad would not launch when double-clikking the icon. I deleted that copy and tried the C&P from C:Windows/System32, but that also did not work. So I created another shortcut from C:Windows/System32 as I had once before (right-clik>create shortcut), and Notepad launched from the new shortcut.

I did "Save" and "Save As" probably 30 to 40 times to both the desktop and an external USB drive (where I save all files) - so far, no issues with Notepad "Not Responding," so hopefully all it took was creating a new shortcut. Perhaps the previous shortcut was somehow adversely affected by that update to vs 1909.

Thanks. I will mark this issue as solved. For now.
Sep 7, 2020
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Since it occasionally happens when you try to save it may be an issue with drive/paths having to be re-scanned. Happens whenever you plug/unplug a USB drive or a new network share is found. Happens to me too occasionally whenever I open file explorer - momentary freeze, sometimes 'not responding' error message but then normal operation resumes. Annoying but it's just Windows 10. I'm on 1903 btw.
I always save to an external USB drive unless the file is temporary, then I save it to the desktop. I never unplug that drive because I use it all the time. Unfortunately, whenever I would get the "Not Responding" error, normal operation never resumed. I would have to end the task. Crazy part is...I could launch another instance of Notepad, retype my notes, then save the new .txt document. Then I would end task on the Notepad that was not responding.

If I encounter the "Not Responding" issue again on Notepad, I will revisit this thread because I will have to get more info from you - specifically on what you mean by "it may be an issue with drive/paths having to be re-scanned." I'm not sure what that means.

Until then, I am marking this issue as solved, and thanks to you also for your help.
Nov 19, 2013
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Yhanks for the feedback. You are welcome to return, anytime you have further problems.

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