Windows 10 taskbar context menu huge delay

Nov 17, 2018
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I just upgraded my Win 8.1 to Win 10.

Unfortunately, there is a bug in a feature I use every day.
When I click on any application on my taskbar, hold my click and move mouse cursor up, Windows shows context menu with recent files, pinned files and other options. It is a feature I used to when buying Windows 8. It really saves time in everyday tasks.

The case is a fresh Windows 10 installation. My hardware configuration is: Intel Core i3, 16 GB RAM DDR3, SSD.

The feature works very well on Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 with NO DELAY at all. It shows recent files etc. immediately.
After upgrading to Windows 10, I need to wait even up to 10 seconds to see recent opened files in Notepad, or see blinking "Loading" with these files. It shows files, then shows Loading, then files again, blinking super fast, so I cannot do anything.

The list sometimes "jumps" off the cursor to the bottom left screen edge.

Here is the screenshot:

(screenshot removed because my account is not verified yet. I will attach it later. I hope you know what I'm talking about)

I can see the behaviour is completely different, like somehow the files are not indexed and Windows needs to load them every time I use this feature.

Unfortunately it can't be like that, it doesn't save time any more - it's wasting it.

Is there any possibility this bug will be solved or I need to downgrade my OS to Windows 8.1 (and how can I do that?).

Have anyone experienced the same issue? I haven't found any topic like that.


Off topic: remember a bug lasting from Windows 7 to Windows 8.1 with colours on the taskbar? Sometimes when you hovered a "brick" on the taskbar, the hover state was hanging on that brick until you hover other brick with you mouse cursor again. Only restarting explorer process was helping. I guess MS wasn't be able to fix it, so they changed the taskbar completely in Windows 10 (simpler hover effects with white underline instead of coloured gradients). Funny. I was hoping they will fix it, but maybe they're using Apples every day?
Oct 2, 2014
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It pops right up when I click an application and move the mouse up. What Windows 10 version are you running?
Oct 27, 2018
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A contexr window pops right up as soon as I move the mouse - no delay.

However, I am not sure why I would use this feature. I just became aware of it. Time will tell.
Nov 19, 2013
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"When I click on any application on my taskbar, hold my click and move mouse cursor up"

To emphasise the previous posts. Have you tried right clicking the icons, without holding the button down? - There is no need to move the mouse up.

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