Distribution of October 2018 Update stopped

Oct 26, 2016
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Microsoft has stopped the distribution of the new October 2018 update pending an investigation of Users loosing their files after the update.




Oct 17, 2015
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Thought they might've gotten it right this time...
My old HP laptop updated without apparent issues (or loss of files) thus far thankfully.
It's almost comical the ineptitude of MS at this point.. I guess this is what we've come to expect.
Nov 19, 2013
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I am luckily , retired. If I had mad as many faux pas's as MS over the last few years, I would have been retired or fired several years ago.


Oct 17, 2015
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Just a quick question, since it's now been pulled...am I assuming that the ISO of this build that I downloaded via MCT is null and void to me now?
Should I delete it delete from my external hd and wait for the new and hopefully improved version?
Nov 19, 2013
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I wouldn't. As I read your posts, your computer(s) have been successfully updated so possible the existing problem does not apply to you. I have the same good experience, so I am working on that assumption. Maybe, sometime in the future, I will download the ISO again, but, for the time being, have the installation material at the ready


Oct 17, 2015
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Thanks @davehc, I will heed your advice as I haven't noticed anything amiss.. yet
Sep 22, 2015
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Microsoft has stopped the distribution of the new October 2018 update pending an investigation of Users loosing their files after the update.


View attachment 9171
Well knock on wood I didn't have any problems on my computer. No Blue Screen, no lost files that I'm aware of! The only thing I don't like is the dark screen file explorer. Just because Apple did it is NOT a good reason MS "MUST" do it. At least give us the option to turn it off. A option to enable or disable would have been preferred!
Again knock on wood I haven't had problems doing the updates for some time now. Everybody seems to just want to castrate MS every time. Why do only "some people" have problems and the rest don't?? Could it be a program on the affected computers???
On another post the person claimed it was the Intel Rapid Storage that caused the problem but I have that program and I had no problems with the update!
Mar 22, 2016
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Thought they might've gotten it right this time...
That's almost comical. After 20 years of failed OS upgrades why would this time be any different? Clean installs have always been the way to go. MS needs to stop with this automatic upgrade garbage and they need to stop calling these updates when they are UPGRADES.
Mar 21, 2016
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I am in Thailand, the update failed to install on my desktop PC twice. It installed on my laptop without problems. I do have the Assure protection Plan, An MS agent took remote control of the PC and work her magic. They work so fast it's impossible to follow what they do. It installed O.K. as of now I haven't found any files to be lost. But printer sharing is not working as before. Contacted support again, this time MS agent finally gave up, and ended the remote session, I had to reinstalled printer software on both PC's. I haven't tried printer sharing though all controls are set for it. I can just connect the printer to the other PC. Sounds about right, they release updates before they thoroughly tested.
Since I don't know what the first agent did, I am mentally prepared for the next update to hang up as before.

Sep 22, 2015
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That's almost comical. After 20 years of failed OS upgrades why would this time be any different? Clean installs have always been the way to go. MS needs to stop with this automatic upgrade garbage and they need to stop calling these updates when they are UPGRADES.
Well lets see now. How many computers are out there?? Thousands, millions, tens of millions? Of them how many are experiencing problems???? Each computer has it's own set of programs installed, anti virus, firewalls, printers, Adobe Acrobat type programs, etc. etc.
There is "no way in Hades" that MS can anticipate each and every nuance to prevent any glitches. If you can do better than I'd be willing to bet MS would hire you in half a heartbeat. There is no way to know all of which drivers will work and which will not!! They try like the dickens to insure compatibility but occasionally one or a couple slide under the radar. Good God, all in all MS does a pretty good job as it is. Again without having each and every computer in front of them and do the update/ upgrade in front of them there is no way to prevent any and all miss fires.
I'm not a MS shill BTW but get a little PO'd with every one blaming MS for everything. IF you don't like Windows there's always Apple and Linux! They too have their share of "Oops" and it's getting worse!

If you and the other it's all MS's fault are so good please apply for jobs at MS! I'm sure they'd welcome all of you with open arms so that this issue"NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN"! Only Almighty God is infallible, humans try to emulate God but it doesn't always work out that way!
Jan 3, 2016
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Well lets see now. How many computers are out there?? Thousands, millions, tens of millions? Of them how many are experiencing problems???? Each computer has it's own set of programs installed, anti virus, firewalls, printers, Adobe Acrobat type programs, etc. etc.
There is "no way in Hades" that MS can anticipate each and every nuance to prevent any glitches. If you can do better than I'd be willing to bet MS would hire you in half a heartbeat. There is no way to know all of which drivers will work and which will not!! They try like the dickens to insure compatibility but occasionally one or a couple slide under the radar. Good God, all in all MS does a pretty good job as it is. Again without having each and every computer in front of them and do the update/ upgrade in front of them there is no way to prevent any and all miss fires.
I'm not a MS shill BTW but get a little PO'd with every one blaming MS for everything. IF you don't like Windows there's always Apple and Linux! They too have their share of "Oops" and it's getting worse!

If you and the other it's all MS's fault are so good please apply for jobs at MS! I'm sure they'd welcome all of you with open arms so that this issue"NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN"! Only Almighty God is infallible, humans try to emulate God but it doesn't always work out that way!
I wish almighty god and all his little pixies would get a job at Microsoft.... Every time meet a virgin's son, stuff goes wrong...
Nov 19, 2013
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"There is "no way in Hades" that MS can anticipate each and every nuance to prevent any glitches. If you can do better than I'd be willing to bet MS would hire you in half a heartbeat"
Well, fwiw, they did. They invited the whole world to "beta test" this particular release. Imho, that was a mistake. The feedback section was so immense, with constant repetitions of the same fault(s), that I would guess it was impossible to keep up with it.
I would imagine that, somewhere in that mess, there were many references to the MS acknowledged major fault of disappearing personal files.
They should not have strayed from the original method of having chosen dedicated testers.
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Aug 11, 2015
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Two computers and the same errors in the event logs of Windows 1809. I tried to find out info on a number of them but seems that a lot of updated computers on the internet are having the same issues. Dcom errors on the security center that do not have AppID listings in the DCOM configuration utility. Registration errors and many others that never came up in 1804. Went from 1 error and 1 warning in the event viewer, to 48 (most were repetitive errors) in this new version of Windows. I tried to solve the problems but most are Microsoft errors and there is no solutions. This was the worse rollout Microsoft had since their Windows 2010 came out. You would think with all their resources that they could of done MUCH better. I went back to 1804 and hope that MS will correct their latest update. Yes most of my computer errors did not affect the operations and were mostly annoying. I pride myself on keeping the Admin event log and Applications and System logs clean of all errors and warnings and as previously stated only show 2. Note I'm talking about eventlog listings that come back on the daily startup and on rebooting the computers, the once in a while errors that go away after a reboot don't bother me. Oh Ya the renaming of SuperFetch drove me nuts. Was there any reason to do that.
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Feb 2, 2018
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I have the new 1809, works except it freezes/locks up more than it use to. all my files are still there..
Dec 5, 2015
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That's almost comical. After 20 years of failed OS upgrades why would this time be any different? Clean installs have always been the way to go. MS needs to stop with this automatic upgrade garbage and they need to stop calling these updates when they are UPGRADES.

Well I've been updating my two computers since Windows 7 (7, 8, 8.1, 10) and haven't had any problems with any of these OS updates including to 1809, and even when I changed the hardware (upgrades of MB, CPU, Memory, PSU on both computers...)

The last time I did a clean install was from XP to 7...
Dec 5, 2015
Reaction score
Microsoft has stopped the distribution of the new October 2018 update pending an investigation of Users loosing their files after the update.


View attachment 9171

A 'straw poll' on Reddit's Windows 10 sub showed that (as of 10th Oct) only 7% of Windows 10 user who have updated to 1809 have lost files/data, and 66% of us haven't lost files/data. The remaining 27% haven't updated to 1809.

Feb 2, 2018
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I am wondering, those who lost files, are you making changes on how your computer starts up and such?
I leave all that alone, only make changes on what power button does, closing lid, when it sleeps and turns off display.

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