Question about Windows Updates

Sep 8, 2023
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So I have windows 10 on my music production computer, and I indefinitely want it to be 10, because my music software version is not compatible with 11, and I dont want to upgrade the music software atm (Studio One 4). So thats the background context.

Now, I like having the internet because I like downloading icloud videos straight to my music comp, uploading my music without having to transport it, etc. So my question, if I take my comp offline, nothing ever updates right? But my concern is that if I plug it back in, I'll be especially forced to update right? Like I cant just plug it back in every once in awhile and expect not to be bombarded with demands to update right?

Like today, my comp was off for like 3 or 4 days. Turned it on, and my music software went haywire, saying I needed to restart the comp because my software and the current windows werent working properly or something (wish I would have clearly read the prompt. Something about a graphics card issue with the software I think).

Anyway this is a brand new computer and its been very touchy with the constant updates. Windows is offensively intrusive. So much so that I'm actually constantly stressed its just gonna magically upgrade to 11 at some point. So I just want to know the best course of action. Should I just keep it online? And in which case would I be able to confidently expect that no future updates will ever interfere with being able to run my DAW? Or should I take it offline permanently? Or would it be advisable to only go online occasionally?

The weird little malfunction today just sent my usual concerns into overdrive. I dont really know jack about computers in this whole regard, but these windows updates are so absurdly constant and intrusive that I feel they have the potential to irreversibly ruin things.
Nov 19, 2013
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If you have confirmation that it is not compatible for windoes 11. Then it will never be offered
Sep 26, 2017
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I haven't had many issues with programs that run on Win10 being installed on Win11, either Home or Pro. Nearly all 32-bit programs work, oldest game is one from 2006, oldest office-type program is Claris Works 5 from '97. I did note that Studio One is now at Studio One 6. The biggest difference with hardware is that Win11 is not available for 32-bit CPUs but can still run the programs, rules out some older computers having a chance at it.

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