Microsoft Solitaire not working. Need Help


Running Latest version Office insider 376
Jun 2, 2015
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I have all the above on mine and all work 100% even after last update.
Feb 5, 2016
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If you turn off windows update ( Go to Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Services, scroll down to Windows update right click then Properties, set Start Up to Disable (was on Automatic (Delayed Start))

You will probably have found the service (before you clicked on it) status was "stopping".

Do a restart and I think you will find Solitaire will start up and work. It may take a minute or so to retrieve saved games.
If you use any Virus scanner other than defender it seems to interfere with Windows Update. You will notice that Windows Update turns off Defender when it is checking for updates. It maybe your virus scanner is interfering with Windows update. It seems to be a widespread problem. You can search the net for "Windows 10 Update service stuck"
I think Microsoft Solitaire collection uses Windows update to check itself for updates as well as advertising banners.
Also look at the reviews for Windows defender. Some testing indicates it is about as useful as a pocket in a jock strap.

There may also be a fundamental problem with Windows update. If its downloaded files become corrupted, the simple way to deal with them would be to delete them, right? Well the service seems to look to see what has been downloaded, recognizes that the updates have been downloaded and deleted so it restores the deleted files from the disk. If one of them is corrupted in some way (which is why they were deleted in the first place) Windows update will fail and may crash and the windows update service gets stuck in the "stopping" state.
Feb 8, 2016
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I just returned a computer after having it for a week due to constant crashes and uninitiated reinstalls of windows 10 upgrade from 8.1. I noticed that the solitare collection did not function properly and it froze up with annoying frequency. I was able to uninstall it and installed a different solitare game that did work. However when a different crash occurred the windows 10 updated reinstalled and of course put it back. It seems some are unhappy with 10 and others are satisfied, I would be one of the unhappy...
Feb 5, 2016
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Ok I have had this problem for a while. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.

I think I know what was actually happening. It seems that Solitaire uses the same mechanism as windows update, so if that is not working neither does Solitaire.

Why was Windows update not working? "I think" its meant to be pretty smart. It knows what has been sucessfully downloaded (must keep records remotely not just on the local computer) If it runs and finds that it has sucessfully downloaded an update, it searches for it and even if it has been deleted it will restore it. It then continues from the same point it failed at last time.

Now Windows update turns off Windows Defender. Windows Defender can also be turned off by control panel. An external virus scanner also turns Windows defender off. But here is the interesting bit. Under my existing setup, Windows update does not know that the external virus scanner has turned off Windows Defender.
You cannot use control panel to turn off Windows defender because control is with the external virus scanner which thinks that it turned off Windows Defender. Windows Update hangs waiting to turn off Windows Defender.

First solution, uninstall external virus scanner, turn on Windows Defender, run the Windows Update repair tool (from Microsoft) and run windows update. All seems good.
Solitaire now loads & works.

Reinstall external virus scanner. (face it if you are foolish enough to just use Windows Defender, you deserve to have your system compromised, its that bad. Just don't do any banking or secure stuff online)

All Good....well no.

It seems next time Windows Update runs, it tries to turn off Windows Defender (or external virus scanner?) but can't so it hangs waiting to turn it off....Its now in its locked up state back where we started.

Well I have fixed it!

I did a Windows reset.

With a windows reset you get the LATEST install of windows (along with all the updates). In this version, Windows Defender is no longer accessable from control panel only from within Windows Update group of controls.

It now all seems to work as it should. With the external virus scanner installed, Windows Update still shows Windows Defender as "on" but it knows it isn't. If you try and turn it off it reports a message saying its not on.
(before under control panel it just said external virus scanner has control of Windows Defender)

I got all the current updates as well. Also Cortana (the mother of all viruses) is now active. Previously in Australia it was not active.
(don't believe its the mother of all viruses? Read the definition of a virus then read what Cortana sends to Microsoft. Every music, picture, video, voice file, every keystroke and mouse click, every site you visited.
Every keystroke is an intersting one. Do you save your password (not real secure) or do you enter them each time (supposedly secure) unless some one is logging keystrokes?
Of course Microsoft wont use any of this information would they....will they? ....but are you sure Microsoft wont be hacked?)
Personally I want full control of MY passwords thank you very much.

Warning :
After a Windows reset.....
You need to reinstall all your applications. AND under the new improved windows, the structure of where applications install application data is changed slightly.
Your saved application data may be saved to c:/Windows.old/Users/username/AppData/Roaming/Application/xxxxx.

Under the new version it will probably be installed in c:/Users/username/AppData/Local/Application/xxxxx.

What I did with a couple of the applications was to install them, look where their AppData was located (either local or Roaming), and copy the data from the windows.old location to the new location and then reinstall the application again to make sure it picks up the data.

So yes the application data is left intact by a windows reset, what they fail to mention is that it is in the wrong location. Perhaps Microsoft applications go off and look where the application data is, but most others don't.

Most above is logic and guesswork based on several weeks of investigation.
Mar 29, 2015
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The old Windows 7 or * games used to play fine on 10586. On 14257, I can't get them, any loof them to play. Even tried Compatibility mode.
Feb 21, 2016
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If you turn off windows update ( Go to Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Services, scroll down to Windows update right click then Properties, set Start Up to Disable (was on Automatic (Delayed Start))

You will probably have found the service (before you clicked on it) status was "stopping".

Do a restart and I think you will find Solitaire will start up and work. It may take a minute or so to retrieve saved games.
If you use any Virus scanner other than defender it seems to interfere with Windows Update. You will notice that Windows Update turns off Defender when it is checking for updates. It maybe your virus scanner is interfering with Windows update. It seems to be a widespread problem. You can search the net for "Windows 10 Update service stuck"

Your Brilliant - thank you - this worked like 1,2,3 for me. Hooray!
Jun 16, 2016
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I have tried the repair app, ran the sfc scannow command, uninstalled microsoft solitaire collection and tried reinstalling the same, to no avail. I click on the download link, my screen gores blue for a second or two and then nothing... I've deleted the app as suggested in another thread for those of us who suddenly found Solitaire Collection unresponsive... Unfortunately, I don't have a restore point and do not want to reinstall Windows 10 at the risk of losing other apps already installed.
Jul 3, 2016
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I have tried the repair app, ran the sfc scannow command, uninstalled microsoft solitaire collection and tried reinstalling the same, to no avail. I click on the download link, my screen gores blue for a second or two and then nothing... I've deleted the app as suggested in another thread for those of us who suddenly found Solitaire Collection unresponsive... Unfortunately, I don't have a restore point and do not want to reinstall Windows 10 at the risk of losing other apps already installed.

I used a rather unorthodox method to repair/restore Microsoft Solitaire collection after all of the other fixes failed to make a difference. I had a 2nd laptop on which the app worked correctly. I tracked down the working files in the string "C:/program files/WindowsApps. It's a hidden folder in the Program Files sub-directory, so you have to start by turning on hidden files under folder options. The hidden folder is also protected so I right clicked and went to the security tab and changed the owner of the files to me as an administrative user. Then I had to elevate the permissions so I could read/write. I then could see the contents of the folder on both machines. The only discrepancy in comparing the two computers was a folder that did not show up on the crashing laptop. there were 3 folders on the working laptop that related to microsoft solitaire collection. The one missing on the nonworking laptop was Microsoft.MicrosoftSolitaireCollection_3.9.5250.0_neutral_split.scale-125_8wekyb3d8bbwe
I copied this folder and two more:
onto the nonworking laptop and after a re-boot Microsoft Solitaire Collection finally started working.


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
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Hello Hank and welcome to the forum.
Glad you managed to figure out a solution that worked for you.
Thanks for sharing your experience and taking the time to join the forum.
Much appreciated.
Aug 17, 2016
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I've had my fair share of issues with Windows 10 and now I have another and need some help.

I was exploring Windows 10 tonight for the first time and noticed that in my Application list off the Start Menu it shows that I have Microsoft Solitaire Collection installed and I thought I would give it a try. When I launch the app it displays a splash screen for the app momentarily then the window closes. I have checked task manager and I don't see the app running so there must be some issue with the way the program is installed so I thought perhaps the best thing to do is to remove it and then reinstall it. I went into Control Panel and checked the Installed applications and could not find an entry for it in the list. I went out to the Store and I can find the app and it tells me that it's currently installed but doesn't seem to provide a means to remove the app or reinstall it. Can anyone tell me how to fix the app or remove it from Windows 10 so I can reinstall it?
Just try restarting your computer. My solitaire stopped working and was fine with no loss of records after a reboot
Aug 17, 2016
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I tried your suggestions and nothing happened. I'm having the same problems with MS solitaire collection. Was working fine and now nothing happens when I open it. I'll try your suggestions again, but do you any other suggestions?
Just restart your computer
Sep 7, 2016
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I've had my fair share of issues with Windows 10 and now I have another and need some help.

I was exploring Windows 10 tonight for the first time and noticed that in my Application list off the Start Menu it shows that I have Microsoft Solitaire Collection installed and I thought I would give it a try. When I launch the app it displays a splash screen for the app momentarily then the window closes. I have checked task manager and I don't see the app running so there must be some issue with the way the program is installed so I thought perhaps the best thing to do is to remove it and then reinstall it. I went into Control Panel and checked the Installed applications and could not find an entry for it in the list. I went out to the Store and I can find the app and it tells me that it's currently installed but doesn't seem to provide a means to remove the app or reinstall it. Can anyone tell me how to fix the app or remove it from Windows 10 so I can reinstall it?
Same thing happened to me. I tried everything & got nowhere. So I was on the Microsoft website, it said it was already installed, and there was a button, "Play Now". So I clicked on it & up popped the game! So I played a game, closed it, and "Darn", I'm still on the Internet site. So I closed my browser then just for fun tried to launch my game.. and it worked! So playing a game on the Microsoft site somehow "woke it up". Steve.
Oct 18, 2016
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I play msc already long time, but now (since an update windows10 ?) the game restart itself during playing, or sometimes shut down when i push collect. When i restart I can play 1 or 2 games and then it happen again, restart suddenly in the middle of the game ?
I uninstall reinstall no difference, working on windows 10 home insider preview 14931
Nov 19, 2013
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Bart's complaint is not entirely related to the other complaints in this thread, but the solution proposed by Hank might work?

The latest problem in Bart's thread is common and seems to be yet another update bug. I have posted it in as feedback.
Oct 31, 2016
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This problem has nothing whatsoever to do with lack of memory or any other "system power" issue. I have a brand new Inspiron with 16 GB of RAM, a Core i7 7500U, and a 128 GB SSD for the OS and 1 TB HD for data. I also, just yesterday, performed a "Windows reset" (wipe and reinstall latest). Despite this, the Microsoft software collection crashes immediately upon displaying the splash screen for any of the games. This is simply an unfortunate example of the inability of MS to get something as straightforward as this to work correctly. To hell with it. I will either play online or download a third-party solitaire app/collection. MS isn't the only game in town...
Nov 19, 2013
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I think I have managed to track down the problem, in my circle.
One of the "cumulative updates", possibly the anniversary, cleans out
C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.MicrosoftSolitaireCollection_8wekyb3d8bbwe. Although the prog runs from the program files, it needs this folder also.

If you have an image of an earlier Windows 10, copy the whole of this folder over to the troublesome one - solitaire then will work.

You can try mine if you like. I have just uploaded it to my server. For the purposes of uploading, I needed to change it to a jpg, which it is not. Change it back to a zip and unzip it. I have no idea if it will work for another user, but worth the try.
Last edited:
Dec 18, 2016
Reaction score
I've had my fair share of issues with Windows 10 and now I have another and need some help.

I was exploring Windows 10 tonight for the first time and noticed that in my Application list off the Start Menu it shows that I have Microsoft Solitaire Collection installed and I thought I would give it a try. When I launch the app it displays a splash screen for the app momentarily then the window closes. I have checked task manager and I don't see the app running so there must be some issue with the way the program is installed so I thought perhaps the best thing to do is to remove it and then reinstall it. I went into Control Panel and checked the Installed applications and could not find an entry for it in the list. I went out to the Store and I can find the app and it tells me that it's currently installed but doesn't seem to provide a means to remove the app or reinstall it. Can anyone tell me how to fix the app or remove it from Windows 10 so I can reinstall it?
Dec 19, 2016
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I have been using Win10 and MS Solitaire Collection fairly happily until an hour ago, when the solitaire collection initial screen suddenly hangs without allowing the "X" on top right to terminate. Task manager allowed cancel. I haven't tried all the suggestions here, hoping like so many other things, elapsed time will solve it. Really weird.


Running Latest version Office insider 376
Jun 2, 2015
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MS Solitaire Collection updates via the Store, sometimes you have to manually update it but most of the time it updates its self.
If you open store then click on your account then click updates and downloads that is where you should find when it last updated

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