Changing default view in Windows Explorer

Nov 28, 2021
Reaction score
I am trying to change the default view in Windows Explorer so that after doing a search it displays the results in the 'Details' view.

I changed the view then clicked on the 'Options' button on the right of the top menu then selected 'Change Folder and Search Options'. Then in the 'Folder Options'dialog that appears I selected the 'View' tab but the 'Apply to Folders' button is disabled and greyed out.

Im sure I remember in Windows 7 pressing this would button apply the changes so that next time I open Windows Explorer it would rember my settings. I also tried changing some options inside the dialog to see if it would enable the button but still remains greyed out.

Can anyone advise
Nov 28, 2015
Reaction score
I tried this and it worked for me:
Open Windows Explorer and search for something you know it will quickly find. When the result window appears, click on 'View' in the top menu and select 'Details' from the Layout group. Future search results should now come up in the 'Details' view.

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