Trojan w32/Tiggre!plock locked up temp files

Mar 18, 2020
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Windows defender picked up the trojan named w32/Tiggre!plock,after i scanned the laptop as it was running extremely slowly.The trojan has now been deleted but i tried to delete the temp files from windows/temp as i often do,but now the files cannot be first asks for administrator permission (ignore photos that has the "skip" highlighted,i definitely pressed the allow),i press continue to allow that,but still wont delet the temp files.I am assuming it is due to the trojan,it has locked up my files in the temp files folder.It doesnt seem like the laptop is running slow after the trojans' detection and deletion,but i am wondering what is in the files that it wont allow them to be deleted? The trojan has also backdated these files,as I often delete them. In any case,all i really want is to delete them as i have no idea what they may be trying to do.
SO HOW WOULD I DO THIS?? without re-formatting the laptop?


Thanks in advance for any help.

Btw,the trojan somehow got onto my laptop after i started allowing java to run,to enable videos in major news sites!!
thanks for any help.thanks


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