Announcing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 14257


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
I managed to get a little taste of what some, other Windows 10 users have experienced, courtesy of this most recent update.
I have two instances of the INsider preview running. One inside a Hyper-V Virtual Machine on my main computer. That upgrade from the previous insider preview to this most recent one, went flawlessly, no problems at all, before, during or after the update. Everything worked..... everything.

The other instances is running on a physical machine which I lovingly refer to as my "Test-Bed" computer.
It was running the previous Insider Preview so I decided to upgrade that install as well to this most current version.
Using exactly the same process. What I call OTA (over the air) real-time, in-place upgrade using Windows Update.
The updated, likewise seemed to go flawlessly, with no glaring issues or problems that I saw initially, but.....
After a day or so, as I was using it, I had occasion to open "Mail" (the Windows 10 Universal App) which generated an ever so brief (a flash really) of a taskbar icon and then nothing.... hummm.
So I tested other Universal Apps..... Photos, Music, People, Weather, Cortana, etc., Everything good, no problems, app launched, live tile worked, all good.
Then I tested Calendar and just like Mail I got a flash of a taskbar icon and then nothing...... hummm, again.

Tested with another new user account.... Same thing.
Ran the Store App troubleshooter.... found nothing.
Checked the Store app, which also worked fine, to see if there was possibly an update I was missing for Calendar and Mail.... nothing.
So, I used powershell and uninstalled them.
Rebooted, went back to the Store app and reinstalled them.
Thought that would do the trick, but....
Same deal, flash and gone.
So I then tried an in-place upgrade repair of Windows 10 Insider preview Build 14257 (after converting the install.esd to an ISO). It took a while and I figured this would definitely fix my problem, but....
Afterwards, same problem. Mail and Calendar would just not run. Every other Universal app was fine except just those two.

I ended up performing a custom clean install after wiping the drive and of course that fixed the problem.
Not an optimal solution, in fact.... not actually a solution at all, but.....
I ran out of ideas to try and that sucks.

I guess, it just goes to show, how tiny these upgrade glitches can be and how enormously difficult a solution is to find.
Yes.... I know, it's a preview and stuff happens.
May 6, 2015
Reaction score
I have the new Insider build as well. But as I have no intention of ever using MS mail or Calendar I don't test them.

So I started calendar. Big blue screen and nothing. Killed it Started mail got the screen that showed the automatic (e-mail address removed) and an invitation to add another account and a continue type button. hit that and mail showed the first inbox type screen. tried calendar again and it worked....I guess that something in mail is required for it to come alive.


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
Yep they are linked, no doubt, but....
If neither or either will launch, it's difficult to move forward.

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