Can Not Run fs9 " Flight Simulation 2004" in Windows 10

Apr 12, 2016
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fs9 loads and when launched will show the opening screen and then BLACK. No control of the program at all, the only way out is cntrl/Alt/Del. I have installed the 9.1 update and the NoCD down load, so now when I get the Black screen I can press ctrl/alt/delete and bring up the task manager, by tapping task manager it will bring up fs9 and ask if I want to shut it down. By saying NO it will leave fs9 running but with very limited control. NOT GOOD!
Now I have to say as a person with well over $1000.00 of fs9 software and hardware, I am disgusted with what seems to be a complete lack of care or concern by Microsoft by producing an OS that by nature of it's design forces literally millions of us to spend millions more, ...all too many of us such as myself will have to purchase yet another OS such as 7, 8 or 8.1 because I upgraded from XP. This has left me with a very Dim View of Microsoft.
Feb 18, 2016
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Randy, I'm sorry that you're having a bad experience. You do understand that this is a twelve year old game.

Part of the problem is that you upgraded from XP. Microsoft specifically states that 10 is only for upgrading 7 and 8. Yes, you can upgrade an XP or Vista computer to 7 or 8, and then go to 10, but it usually doesn't work well.

However, can you post the model number and specs on your machine?
Apr 12, 2016
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I purchased Windows 10 outright (No upgrade to 10) and 12 years or 20 is not the point, there are millions of us who have millions of hours and millions of dollars (world wide) invested in this software and either choose not to or simply can not afford to continue to put out more millions for FSX. As for my computer I built my own and the stats are as follows: Gigabyte GA-M68M-S2P mother board, AMD Phenom (tm) 8650 Triple Core processor 2.30 GHz, 2.00 RAM, 32 bit operating system, x64 based processor, NVIDIA 9400GT video card, powered by a Antec 650w power source.


Sep 22, 2014
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It seems to be a comparability issue with software and OS as it was designed to run on Vista/XP and below.

That might want to set up a VM and run the software that way. It's the way most of us run older software/games with the latest OS. Even some of us keep an old PC around specifically for older games.
Apr 12, 2016
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You are probably right, but considering the fact that Microsoft boasts of the superior capabilities of windows 10 when in fact it can not run what is now considered to be a lesser piece of software is more than irritating to me when older operating systems could and did provided means of adjusting compatibility. Now what pray tell would be the problem with that?
Feb 18, 2016
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Randy, I can sympathize with your frustration. But as science advances, the internal architecture of computers has to change. Eventually, no one makes games for the older architecture, and no one builds hardware with the older architecture.

MS isn't to blame. The old operating system that you own still works. It is the computer that is wearing out, and MS isn't to blame for that.

As Bassfisher pointed out, there are ways to play older games in newer machines. Here's a link to a free XP virtual machine for Windows 10.
Apr 12, 2016
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OK,OK, this is obviously a loosing proposition in more ways than one. First of all it now becomes necessary for me to purchase either windows 8 or 8.1 since windows 7 will soon be on it's way out. XP is totally out and I can't afford the cost of two computers and two systems so it becomes necessary to purchase windows 8 or 8.1 when I can, then uninstall windows 10 to install 8 or 8.1. Now, I own FSX as well as FS9 and it took no time at all to realize that the cost of addons to to get fsx to run properly and keep it that way as well as the cost of planes and scenery made the use of that platform cost prohibitive. Now as a 72 year old Lockheed Missiles & Space Co. Retiree after 34 years in the industry and a multi engine rated private pilot, my love of flight for now will stay grounded. "CLOSE THIS THREAD".
Oct 2, 2014
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OK,OK, this is obviously a loosing proposition in more ways than one. First of all it now becomes necessary for me to purchase either windows 8 or 8.1 since windows 7 will soon be on it's way out. XP is totally out and I can't afford the cost of two computers and two systems so it becomes necessary to purchase windows 8 or 8.1 when I can, then uninstall windows 10 to install 8 or 8.1. Now, I own FSX as well as FS9 and it took no time at all to realize that the cost of addons to to get fsx to run properly and keep it that way as well as the cost of planes and scenery made the use of that platform cost prohibitive. Now as a 72 year old Lockheed Missiles & Space Co. Retiree after 34 years in the industry and a multi engine rated private pilot, my love of flight for now will stay grounded. "CLOSE THIS THREAD".
No need to get upset at us. We aren't Microsoft. The fact is, most games from that era and before no longer work correctly, if at all, regardless of how much money we've invested in them. That is, always has been, always will be, PC gaming. I had dozens of games that would not run on Windows XP, that had run on the previous 4 OS's. Do what I do. I have 8 PC's running 6 different operating systems (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 10, Linux Mint, Ubuntu Gnome). Or at the very least, dual boot7/8.1 and Windows 10. Or just reinstall Windows 8.1. There's many, many options.
Oct 1, 2014
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I will also agree that increased capability of an OS may leave behind certain types of older programs... Trying to make an OS capable or running all types of software would make it unwieldy and slow.

I was looking a FSX yesterday since there was another thread on the same subject. I did not realize another company had acquired the rights to it and you could now get it on steam at a moderate price. But my major concern with simulator programs is the realism and visual accuracy. The more advanced the technology the better the experience...

Since I have a gaming system with three monitors I have wanted to try FSX to see if I could set one monitor for each window or at least a certain part of the outside view. I have always felt one monitor is too restricting...
Feb 18, 2016
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Randy, let me see if I have this right.

Your Flight Simulator games are designed for XP, but you have bought additions designed for Vista and 7. You are having trouble with add-ons designed for 8, so you installed a complete 10.

If I understand you correctly, you should still have your legal copy of 7. Have you considered paying a computer shop to partition your hard drive and install 7, plus your games?

When I paid a shop to build my Windows 7 computer, I paid a little extra to have my legal copy of XP installed on a partition. Later, I added 8 on a third partition.

If you wish to upgrade to 8.1, instead of deleting 10, have a shop install 8.1 on the separate partition.


Sep 22, 2014
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As a work around to the VM could try installing it in compatibility mode and see if that will work for you under windows 10.

Oct 13, 2015
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Randy have you tried There are similar posts over there with people not being able to run FS9 with Windows 10. Some have even found fixes. Personally I still have a seperate HDD in my computer running Win XP that is for FS9 only.

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