Computer expert here

Jan 9, 2023
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hello my name is legacyfan and I'm a new member of 10 forums expert at computers im also a game developer and legacy windows lover (you can tell by my name) my goal is to become a computer master and learn everything there is to know about computers ive also been several other big forums (e.g betaarchive msfn and many others) anyway its good to be here and I hope to get to know and share knowledge with the rest of you thanks
Sep 26, 2017
Reaction score
Welcome and enjoy. However, the Windows goalposts are always changing, Win10 End of Support has been announced as Oct. 14, 2025. Biggest problem for the future is the number of computers that cannot properly run Win11, due to hardware requirements, and WIn12 is already gaining a bit of traction.

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