Do I have a Windows 10 licence?

Dec 28, 2015
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I bought a PC on Ebay with Windows 10 Pro installed. The seller upgraded to Windows 10 with a genuine Windows 7 Pro licence, but didn't include the Windows 7 disc with the sale.

If I bought another PC, would I have to buy Windows 10 Pro or do I own it already?
Feb 22, 2014
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Windows 10 upgrade is not transferable to another machine. You will need a new license for the new machine. Either Windows 10 or one that can be upgraded to Windows 10.
Nov 19, 2013
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To add. If you buy another machine, it will , hopefully, already have an OS on it, This can be upgraded to Windows 10, if not already, or, if new, it will probably already have Windows 10..
Feb 18, 2016
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Seeing as you don't have any install discs, Make sure you create a disc image as soon as you can to be on the safe side.
Oct 1, 2014
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Right now a Windows 10 upgrade is free and registers that specific machine and gives it an electronic activation. You can check settings-updates & security-activation and see the info.

A "Retail" version of Win 10, which does not have to be installed over a prior OS, refers to one which you purchased a license just like you would have purchased a retail version of Windows 7 or 8. That license is transferable.

You can purchase an OEM license of Win 10 which has special rules and I believe cannot be transferred to another system, but you should read the EULA to make sure.
Apr 3, 2015
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Windows 10 inherits either retail or OEM form the Windows 7 or Window 8.1 it was upgraded from. But it also shares the license with the upgraded product and you can't run that bot at the same time. So the seller should have given you the Windows 7 media.

When I upgrade a preinstalled (OEM) or retail version of Windows 7 or Windows 8/8.1 license to Windows 10, does that license remain OEM or become a retail license?

If you upgrade from a OEM or retail version of Windows 7 or Windows 8/8.1 to the free Windows 10 upgrade this summer, the license is consumed into it. Because the free upgrade is derived from the base qualifying license, Windows 10 will carry that licensing too.

If you upgrade from a retail version, it carries the rights of a retail version.

If you upgrade from a OEM version, it carries the rights of a OEM version.

Full version (Retail):

- Includes transfer rights to another computer.

- Doesn't require a previous qualifying version of Windows.

- Expensive

Upgrade version (Retail):

- Includes transfer rights to another computer.

- require a previous qualifying version of Windows.

- Expensive, but cheaper than full version


OEM versions of Windows are identical to Full License Retail versions except for the following:

- OEM versions do not offer any free Microsoft direct support from Microsoft support personnel

- OEM licenses are tied to the very first computer you install and activate it on

- OEM versions allow all hardware upgrades except for an upgrade to a different model motherboard

- OEM versions cannot be used to directly upgrade from an older Windows operating system

What happens if I change my motherboard?

As it pertains to the OEM licenses this will invalidate the Windows 10 upgrade license because it will no longer have a previous base qualifying license which is required for the free upgrade. You will then have to purchase a full retail Windows 10 license. If the base qualifying license (Windows 7 or Windows 8.1) was a full retail version, then yes, you can transfer it.

From the end user license agreement:

15. UPGRADES. To use upgrade software, you must first be licensed for the software that is eligible for the upgrade. Upon upgrade, this agreement takes the place of the agreement for the software you upgraded from. After you upgrade, you may no longer use the software you upgraded from.

17. TRANSFER TO ANOTHER COMPUTER. a. Software Other than Windows Anytime Upgrade. You may transfer the software and install it on another computer for your use. That computer becomes the licensed computer. You may not do so to share this license between computers.

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