Remove auto update

Nov 8, 2020
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how to remove auto update and install on windows 10? Any guide links?
Oct 26, 2016
Reaction score
Auto update of what?? Any software nowadays updates itself automatically by default. Also installing what on Win10??

With soooo little information provided, it will be very hard to help you and we are not mind readers.
May 6, 2015
Reaction score
Probably means Windows updates. To get rid of automatic Windows updates you need an Enterprise licence and be in a domain. And that is how it should be.

I would point out that most automatic updates are new signatures for Windows Defender which seem like a really good idea.
Nov 8, 2020
Reaction score
Probably means Windows updates. To get rid of automatic Windows updates you need an Enterprise licence twc mail and be in a domain. And that is how it should be. I would point out that most automatic updates are new signatures for Windows Defender which seem like a really good idea.
Thanks mate. Will try this one
Jun 24, 2015
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I tried several of the stop Windows 10 updates and the stop Windows 10 telepathy and all those programs did for me was create issues.

Updates are important for security and not allowing updates to install leaves your OS open to security vulnerability's imo.

I've read all of the horror story's about Windows 10 updates creating problems and sometimes they do.

I've had my share of problems from some Windows 10 updates although most were easily fixed by a patch or by just removing the problem update until it was patched.
Sep 5, 2019
Reaction score
no you can't remove it but you can block it i use
This is what I use on my 1903 box. Works like a charm. No updates since August 2019, no issues. Defender is also disabled.
I tried several of the stop Windows 10 updates and the stop Windows 10 telepathy and all those programs did for me was create issues.

Updates are important for security and not allowing updates to install leaves your OS open to security vulnerability's imo.

I've read all of the horror story's about Windows 10 updates creating problems and sometimes they do.

I've had my share of problems from some Windows 10 updates although most were easily fixed by a patch or by just removing the problem update until it was patched.
I've read all the horror stories too and personally experienced it that's why updates are disabled. I use this PC daily. I also don't mindlessly click on every link that comes my way/open every email attachment. All the security updates in the world aren't going to protect you from a momentary lapse in judgement. My Paypal account has been compromised, click here to fix it. Yeah right. My iTunes account has been compromised, click here to fix it. Nice try, I don't even have an iTunes account.

How about this classic that popped up in my browser last year:


Those wacky fun-ster scammers will try any trick won't they? They never cease to amuse me.

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