Small problems after 20H2 update

May 4, 2021
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Have a Lenovo Thinkbook 15-IIL Laptop, which is set to auto-update Win10.

A couple of months ago it updated to 20H2, and immediately noticed lots of small problems, which caused me to go back to previous version.

Kept getting microsofts "nag" messages about updating to new version, but made mistake of not turning off auto-update before I went away for weekend, only to find I now have 20H2 again.

Now various things not working. Most obvious (and trivial) is that Solitaire Collection (installed some time ago from Microsoft Store) now hangs if it goes away to get adverts. Tried to uninstall but clicking on it in Settings/Apps just causes Settings to hang. Also have problems with some apps that were supplied with the PC new (Alexa and Cortana) don't work any more.

Internet (via Browser and eMail client) work fine.

Also the normaly reliable fingerprint login system now doesn't recognise me more times than it does (luckily I remembered my PIN).

I have tried disabling all non-Microsoft services and start-ups, but makes no difference.

Don't want to keep going through reverting to previous version and fighting-off Microsofts insistance I upgrade.

Any suggestions?

Nov 6, 2017
Reaction score
I don't know how to solve these problems, but if you decide to roll back to the previous version again, you might try hiding the 20H2 update. After rolling back, open an admin Powershell prompt and use the following to hide the update. Highlight the 20H2 update and click "OK".

$Session = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.Session
$Searcher = $Session.CreateUpdateSearcher()
$Criteria = "IsInstalled=0 or IsInstalled=0 and deploymentaction='OptionalInstallation'"
$SearchResult = $Searcher.Search($Criteria)
$SearchResult.Updates | Out-GridView -passthru | ForEach-Object -process {$_.ishidden=$true}
$SearchResult.Updates | select title,ishidden
Last edited:
May 4, 2021
Reaction score
Thanks for reply - contacting Lenovo to see what they have to say, and then, if necessary will roll-back and use your powershell script

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