Now I was able to install this update
KB5035845 in my Windows 10 Pro.
I wrote this documentary about it.
I cannot guarantee that there are no errors in the text.
These measures require knowledge of Windows administration.
These pages were helpful:
KB5028997: Instructions to manually resize your partition to install the WinRE update - Microsoft Support
CMD (=Command Prompt) in this explanation should always be used with administrator rights.
In principle it is necessary to enlarge the
Recovery Partition.
I recommend backing up the contents of the recovery partition to a normal drive first, as the
Winre.wim file was lost on my first attempt and I had to laboriously restore it from an installation medium.
reagentc /info"
shows that the Recovery Partition is noted.
Windows Recovery Environment (Windows RE) and system reset configuration
Windows RE status: Enabled
Windows RE location: \\?\GLOBALROOT\device\harddisk0\partition3\Recovery\WindowsRE
Boot Configuration Data (BCD) identifier: 9de24810-0f27-11ef-872d-87ee807002f3
Recovery image location:
Recovery image index: 0
Custom image location:
Custom image index: 0
To edit the recovery partition,
enter via
CMD the command "
reagentc /disable".
First, check whether the disk partition style is a GUID Partition Table (GPT) or a Master Boot Record (MBR).
To do this, use the command "
list disk" in
DISKPART and see if there is an asterisk (*) in the
Gpt column. If there is an asterisk (*), it is a
GPT-Drive. Otherwise the drive is
In my case it is a
MBR Drive.
To back it up assign a drive letter to the recovery partition (e.g.
R ) with
after selecting the recovery partition
assign letter=R"
Then look with
R:" and with "
dir /a", what is stored there.
Go the deepest directory of
R: , which is \Recovery\WindowsRE and then
delete the attributes H and S with "
attrib -h -s *.*" .
Now back up data with
mkdir C:\Backup_WinRe"
copy *.* C:\Backup_WinRe" .
DISKPART select the partition which has the info
Boot in "
list volume”.
Now hope that you can shrink this partition with:
shrink desired=250 minimum=250"
If that worked, you can move on to recreate the
Recovery Partition.
DISKPART select the
Recovery Partition and with the command
delete partition override" delete the partition.
In my case
with the MBR drive, the partition with the maximum remaining size, recreate the partition with:
create partition primary id=27"
Otherwise, consult the pages mentioned at the beginning.
With "
list part" you can see that the newly created partition is selected and is from Type
Now format it with:
format fs=ntfs label="Windows RE tools"<
It is recommended to set the id again:
In my case
with the MBR drive:
set id=27"
Otherwise, consult the pages mentioned at the beginning.
with "
list vol" you can also see the label
Windows RE .
after "
assign letter=P" (now I had to use a different drive letter)
and "
exit" out of
Now via
CMD open drive
P: and recreate the directories as they were before the deletion:
mkdir P:\Recovery\WindowsRE"
Now go to the directory where the files were saved and in my case copy them with:
cd \Backup_WinRe"
opy *.* P:\Recovery\WindowsRE"
Finally these commands:
reagentc /setreimage /path P:\Recovery\WindowsRE /target C:\Windows"
reagentc /enable"
reagentc /info"
showed that everything is fine again
After a reboot there were no more errors with Windows Update KB5035845
and few Windows updates followed with the necessary restart.
However later I noticed that the Windows Update
KB5034441 cannot be installed.
It breaks with the error
I have used similar methods as described above.
DISKPART showed that now
2 Recovery Partitions exist.
reagentc /info
showed that the previous partition is registered.
So I started again
reagentc /disable
Now I assigned a drive letter to the 2nd new Recovery Partition and recognized via "
dir /a" that a new Winre.wim is available, now larger.
Similar to what was described above I
saved the contents in
Recovery\WindowsRE of this
2nd Recovery Partition .
Then with
DISKPART I deleted both
Recovery Partitions .
Like described above I created a new one and copied the newly created backed up files into the
Recovery\WindowsRE path of that partition.
As above, I concluded with:
reagentc /setreimage /path P:\Recovery\WindowsRE /target C:\Windows"
reagentc /enable"
reagentc /info"
showed that everything was fine again.
Reboot all Windows updates were error-free.