SOLVED Any reliable AMD CPU Temperature Monitor Utility ?

Nov 28, 2015
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Do any of you guys know any reliable simple software to show me the temp of my CPU ?
Have Speccy utility that show me crap temp 59 C at startup then 70/80 later AT THE SAME TIME CoreTemp utility shows sometime 0 to 7 all day next day 19 to 23 next day 23 to 34C. What gives ? why is so hard to measure freakin temperature ?
Now I am learning that AMD CPU temp are hard to measure so CoreTemp will not do it.
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 10 Home, 64 bit
Processor: AMD A10-7800 Radeon R7, 12 Compute Cores 4C+8G, AMD64 Family 21 Model 48 Stepping 1
Processor Count: 4
RAM: 7113 Mb
Graphics Card: AMD Radeon(TM) R7 Graphics, 1024 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 938071 MB, Free - 908093 MB; D: Total - 13834 MB, Free - 1769 MB;
Motherboard: Hewlett-Packard, 2B35
Antivirus: McAfee Anti-Virus and Anti-Spyware, Disabled
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Jul 29, 2015
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why is so hard to measure freakin temperature ?
There is no good reason but I note part of the problem is there is no industry standard for sensors. That is, there is no standard for which type sensor, where they are placed, or how they are monitored. Even between AMD and Intel, there are no standards. And then every motherboard/BIOS/Chipset maker have their own way of monitoring temps.

Another problem is these sensor devices are a dime a dozen. Maybe a dime for 100. That is, they are very low-tech, cheap devices. They are not precision, medical-grade quality by any means.

The only consistent part is what they do - they sense a temperature and represent that value with a hexadecimal number. And the monitoring programs then take that hexadecimal number and convert it into an understandable Celsius or Fahrenheit value. There is nothing proprietary or magical or secret about that hexadecimal number. The sensor makers publish this information and make it available to all the hardware makers and monitoring software developers.

That means if a hex number of 1ef8c7b4 = 60°C, then every monitoring program should represent that 1ef8c7b4 as 60°C. If there is a consistent and large discrepancy between monitoring programs, then probably the sensor is faulty.

Note there will almost always be small differences. This is because, once again, there are no standards for sampling rates or sampling times. Some programs may sample the sensor every 2 seconds, others every 5 seconds, others every 1.5million CPU clock cycles. So while you say "AT THE SAME TIME", it most likely is a couple seconds apart. And because CPU temps can skyrocket in just a few clock cycles, and then plummet just as quickly, it is not uncommon for two different monitoring programs to give different values.

BUT there is NO WAY a CPU can be colder than the ambient (room) temperature with conventional (air) cooling. So clearly the 0-7 can't be right. And 19°C in Redding, California in the middle of a heat wave is unlikely too, unless, maybe, your computer is sitting in front of the air conditioner vent.

Sadly, while Speccy is one of my favorite HW information/specs program, it frequently is very inaccurate for temps and especially for voltages. For example, right now, it says my +3.3V is 2.028 V, +5V is 3.367 V, and my +12VDC is only 0.048 VDC. If my voltages and especially the +12V was that low, this computer would not be running. But it is running just fine.

The most accurate place to measure your temps (and voltages) is in the BIOS Setup Menu but running the BIOS Setup Menu is probably the least demanding task we can ask of our computers. Yet we need to know our temps (and voltages) when the computer is working hard under load.

I typically use and recommend CoreTemp and typically it does work well with both AMD and Intel processors. HwMonitor suggested by BigFeet is a decent program, but it does not have a system tray component for real time monitoring. :( Many users like Speedfan but I find it often incorrectly puts the wrong label to the sensor. That is, it might put the "System" (chipset) temp to the CPU. But those can be manually edited, if you can sort out which is which.

I have found HWiNFO64 to be the most consistently accurate. However, it does not have a system tray component either and the amount of information it provides can be overwhelming. Open Hardware Monitor is another decent program and it does have a system tray applet.

AMD OverDrive shows temps and you would hope AMD knows how to monitor their own processors. But it does not have a system tray applet.

You may need to need to run all these programs to determine which is most accurate - assuming the sensors are not damaged. I would start with HWiNFO64 (click the sensor button and wait a few seconds for the data to appear).

Regardless, if you cannot find a good temperature monitoring program (or even if you can), you need to make sure the case interior is clean of heat trapping dust, all fans spin freely, and the system is stable. If overclocking and the system is not stable, stop overclocking!

Antivirus: McAfee Anti-Virus and Anti-Spyware, Disabled
Disabled??? I sure hope that mean you have Windows 10 Windows Defender running instead (or some other anti-malware program). If not using McAfee (which you don't need with Windows Defender), I recommend you uninstall McAfee.
Nov 28, 2015
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Thank you Digerati for well written, clear article it will help many.
Will check all the alternatives you given me, it will take some time.
I have Speccy in my old (2006) HP, there, it shows not alarming temp (always), but the same Speccy in my 1 year old HP tower starts at 59C at idle and with 5 websites open can go to 83C (red coded digit !), so that what got me concerned.
It could be that newer processors are so complex that they are harder to measure.
It seems hardware industry needs common standards, (thank you Microsoft for imposing software standards).
Yes, you are correct this is Redding CA, room temp 18- 27C but my Speccy "Graphic" shows mostly 6- 17 C, probably because there is no graphic card here (CPU/GPU).
Going to BIOS for my temps is dangerous for me and very impractical, so will not do it except when have to.
After detecting this problem my case is open, checking CPU fan speed all the time (hand and eye) seems is awfully, SAME, slow ! should it be variable ? But at this time I will not go into fans, need to know temperature FIRST.
Clocking ! I have enough problems with computing as it is I do not need challenges of clocking !
I do not do any gaming (by 21 I had all the challenges in life I could manage I do not want to look for it ever since), I use my computers to see and research amazing things, GoogleEarth/Louvre, YouTube, UEFA etc.
I clean my puters regularly ( with leaf blower ha ! ha !) do that for years, (highly recommend).
Yes I have Windows Defender plus WOT plus I am watching not to do stupid things on the Web, so far never had any virus, puter with Win7- Microsoft Security Essentials.
Tried to uninstall McAfee with Revo Uninstaller but it is still there albeit disabled, tried to chase it around but it is still there. The problem with paid protection is they work until they expire if people are not on top of it they get hurt.
Oct 2, 2014
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AMD is notorious for displaying wrong temps. My fx6300 typically reads under 10c idle temp. If your core temp is over 80c, it will feel noticeably hot. The air coming out the exhaust fan will feel almost like a hair dryer. Also, since the A-10's max operating temperature is 71c, you would most likely be experiencing crashes, and probably shut downs, as the cpu would try to protect itself, if that was actually the temperature.

Unfortunately there's no accurate way to measure temps with software. If you are worried, it might not be a bad idea to invest in a cheap optical thermometer. That will give you a more accurate measure of cpu and motherboard temperatures.
Nov 28, 2015
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Thank you BigFeet, this is is hilarious but I could end up doing it ! I will have to aim laser thermometer beam at my CPU to know its temperature ! This is my last
ever AMD processor in any of my computers.
Digerati, After Speccy, CoreTemp, tried HWiNFO64 another felier, downloaded it run once then when tried to run again Windows asked for permission to open it
( like always) clicked yes and nothing, did not opened, did that many times, tried to uninstall to install again but does not letting me uninstall because it is running somewhere ! except I can not see it.
On to Open Hardware Monitor.
Jun 6, 2016
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Do any of you guys know any reliable simple software to show me the temp of my CPU ?
Have Speccy utility that show me crap temp 59 C at startup then 70/80 later AT THE SAME TIME CoreTemp utility shows sometime 0 to 7 all day next day 19 to 23 next day 23 to 34C. What gives ? why is so hard to measure freakin temperature ?
Now I am learning that AMD CPU temp are hard to measure so CoreTemp will not do it.

Hi Benton,

I'm afraid a software utility won't help you. They all rely on reading from the BIOS. The only suggestion i would have is to maybe research the available firmware updates for your BIOS to see if they contain any sort of fix relating to erroneous temp readings. You might get lucky and find your answer there.

For the most part, I am very careful of updating BIOS firmware. Unless I can see obvious benefit for my system, I leave them sit. It isn't worth it to install them just because they are new. And then I always have at hand the instructions for saving my current firmware and rolling back if a firmware update starts causing problems.

Cheers, allan
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Jul 29, 2015
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It could be that newer processors are so complex that they are harder to measure.

No. It has nothing to do with complexity. If anything, newer processors are more accurate at everything they do.
but my Speccy "Graphic" shows mostly 6- 17 C,
And that's impossible. 6°C is 42.8°F. No way that can be right.

Going to BIOS for my temps is dangerous for me and very impractical,
Sorry, but that is simply ridiculous. NO WAY it can be dangerous unless you make a bunch of silly changes AND "Save and Exit". You can do anything you want in the BIOS and as long as you don't intentionally save those changes, nothing happens.
Oct 2, 2014
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And that's impossible. 6°C is 42.8°F. No way that can be right.
That's AMD for you. Here's my fx6300 at idle. Note the ambient temperature of my room is 30c/86f.
Jul 29, 2015
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That's AMD for you.
Ummm, no, not likely. My point is, AMD is really no better or worse than Intel, NVIDIA, Motorola, or VIA or whoever. As I noted above, these sensors report a simple hex number that is neither mystical, or a company secret. This information is published by the sensor maker (whether CPU, GPU, Chipset/System, HD/SSD or stand-alone thermo-diode or thermo-coupler). It is up to the monitoring program to properly interpret then convert that hex value into Celsius, Centigrade, Fahrenheit, Kelvin, or whatever temperature scale selected, then report that.

While the sensors used in most computers are pretty low tech and not the most accurate, they don't need to be. If you really "need" an 3-5° extra cooling to remain stable and prevent system throttling, you are running too hot anyway and need to re-evaluate your system cooling configuration.

So in your case, it more likely is the motherboard/BIOS coding, or the HWMonitor program not interpreting the sensor data correctly - or both.

Note it also is reporting your 3.0V CMOS battery is only outputting 1.644V and your +5V VCCH (AKA +5Vsb standby) voltage is only +2.782.

I note for my Intel i5 6600, HWMonitor says my TMPIN1 temp is -54°C (-67°F) and my current ambient temperature is +75°F. So clearly, that is not right either. If your battery were really that low, I doubt it could hold your CMOS data (date & time, boot order, etc.) when the system was removed from power. And if your +5Vsb voltages was that low, it is unlikely pushing the case's front panel power button would trigger the system to boot - at least not consistently.

So my point stands - you need to run a variety of HW monitoring programs and see if you can determine the correct one. You may not be able too and may need to depend on actual temperature measuring hardware to verify temps - as I did.

As I said above, I have found HWiNFO64 to be the most accurate and I did that by verifying the temperatures using the thermal coupler attachment to my Mastech 8209 multimeter at various points, including sandwiched between the processor die and heatsink. This meter has a temperature sensor accuracy tolerance of ±1% from -20°C to +1000°C. I did this on 3 different systems, 2 Intel/NVIDIA and 1 AMD/AMD and found HWiNFO64 most consistent and accurate, with CoreTemp next. If HWiNFO64 has a System Tray applet, I would be using it instead of CoreTemp. And BTW, I also tested with HWMonitor, Open Hardware Monitor, Speccy, SpeedFan, AMD Catalyst Control Center, RealTemp, and MSI Afterburner.
Feb 18, 2016
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CPU temps would be difficult to monitor and make any sensible operating accuracy. A clean machine, is a lean machine. CPU's are constantly operating under harsh conditions, full load-idle-full load, similar to a Formula 1 race cars brake rotors. Keep the fans, heat sinks and MB clean and the air moving any processor will do it's job. A good clean and replacing the silicon thermal heat sink compound works wonders. Laptop processors operate under more severe conditions than desktops.
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Oct 2, 2014
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Ummm, no, not likely.
You didn't need to write a book. Lol. MY POINT is that is a known issue with the chipset on AMD motherboards. That's all. I am very aware of all the other anomalies. My old gaming PC reads TMPIN2 as 154c. It also shows one of my fans running over 200,000 rpm. But the AM3 and AM3+, and probably FM boards all have issues reading unusually low idle temps.
Jul 29, 2015
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I do get wordy - sorry - but forum discussions are not 2-way conversations. There can be many reading (now and in the future via searches) of all sorts of skill levels and experience who are not actively participating in the discussion, but are still interested. So I write to all, not just one to ensure all understand the facts, hopefully without boring the experts or sounding condescending.
MY POINT is that is a known issue with the chipset on AMD motherboards
And that is true. But my point is that is not an issue exclusive to AMD.
Nov 28, 2015
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Well I made HWiNFO work in my computer and it agrees with Speccy completely
The highest "CPU Package" on HWiNFO was 89 C today ( how it is freakin possible since my TJ Max is 71 C ? ? ) , so it was on speccy, "current" are the same also !
"CPU zero " often is 8 C while room temp is 28 C.

I am thinking of installing manual control over my CPU fan or getting separate video card to unload my CPU/GPU combo from hard work, I need that video card anyway. Do you guys know the best video card for my mobo for streaming and video quality ? ? ( NOT GAMING ) ? ?
Feb 18, 2016
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Well I made HWiNFO work in my computer and it agrees with Speccy completely
The highest "CPU Package" on HWiNFO was 89 C today ( how it is freakin possible since my TJ Max is 71 C ? ? ) , so it was on speccy, "current" are the same also !
"CPU zero " often is 8 C while room temp is 28 C.

I am thinking of installing manual control over my CPU fan or getting separate video card to unload my CPU/GPU combo from hard work, I need that video card anyway. Do you guys know the best video card for my mobo for streaming and video quality ? ? ( NOT GAMING ) ? ?

I know some will disagree that's fine. Check out "Speed Fan" it serves my purpose and it's real time results work for me. Results include Intel core and HDD temperatures. Granted, it's nothing fancy but it works for me just fine.
Nov 28, 2015
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Well I made HWiNFO work in my computer and it agrees with Speccy completely
The highest "CPU Package" on HWiNFO was 89 C today ( how it is freakin possible since my TJ Max is 71 C ? ? ) , so it was on speccy, "current" are the same also !
"CPU zero " often is 8 C while room temp is 28 C.

I am thinking of installing manual control over my CPU fan or getting separate video card to unload my CPU/GPU combo from hard work, I need that video card anyway. Do you guys know the best video card for my mobo for streaming and video quality ? ? ( NOT GAMING ) ? ? with two Display Ports
Nov 28, 2015
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I know some will disagree that's fine. Check out "Speed Fan" it serves my purpose and it's real time results work for me. Results include Intel core and HDD temperatures. Granted, it's nothing fancy but it works for me just fine.
I tried "Speed Fan" but I could not make it work (its user interface is for professionals), plus apparently it is made for Intel not AMD.
Jul 29, 2015
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The highest "CPU Package" on HWiNFO was 89 C today ( how it is freakin possible since my TJ Max is 71 C ? ? ) ,
Because the sensor is not in the same location. The package is typically the outer case surrounding the actual processor. TJ is the junction temperature of the actual semiconductor deep inside for the sampled core. Temps always vary and once again, because there is no industry standard for this, us consumers and techs are often left scratching our heads.

I would not say Speedfan is for professionals. HWiNFO64 is much more daunting, IMO.
Feb 18, 2016
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Benton I don't believe that SpeedFan is for "Professionals" either. Also I'm not sure it's just for Intel processors. Don't let that scare you away from trying it. Maybe you have tried it?

Below is from SpeedFan site:

"SpeedFan is a program that monitors voltages, fan speeds and temperatures in computers with hardware monitor chips. SpeedFan can even access S.M.A.R.T. info and show hard disk temperatures. SpeedFan supports SCSI disks too. SpeedFan can even change the FSB on some hardware (but this should be considered a bonus feature). SpeedFan can access digital temperature sensors and can change fan speeds accordingly, thus reducing noise. SpeedFan works fine with Windows 9x, ME, NT, 2000, 2003, XP, Vista, Windows 7, 2008, Windows 8, Windows 10 and Windows Server 2012. It works with Windows 64 bit too.
Oct 2, 2014
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Do you guys know the best video card for my mobo for streaming and video quality ? ? ( NOT GAMING ) ? ?
The gtx 750 or 750ti is very good video card for the money. Plenty of card for streaming and even good for light to moderate gaming, if you ever decided to go that route. Plus they have very low power requirements, and most don't require an extra power connector. GPU Shack carries refurbished cards with a 2 year warranty. This one is $79.

Or if you're looking new, this is $104.

You could get a lesser car like the gt740, gt730, etc., but for the most part they aren't much better than onboard graphics. They're ok if you just need and hdmi port, but that's about it.

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