Big problems (networkd) after big update

Dec 9, 2015
Reaction score
After the BIG 3-4GB update some days ago my printer driver was gone.
I reinstalled it and thought all was good ... but after booting up next day
my network (Ethernet cable) wasn´t working! I ran the diagnose test and
got following message "Windows couldn't automatically bind the IP protocol
stack to the network adapter". And then I've tried everything I could find
on Google ... reinstalled Ethernet card drivers, disabled some programs and
antivirus ... as a last try I did a system recovery to the point before installing
the printer again ... and the network was working.
Then of course I had to try reinstall the usb-printer .... and the network was down
again, simply deleting the printer didn’t make any difference! I now have to
choose between being able to use the Internet or the printer!!!
Anyone experienced something like this? I would be grateful for some
well-thought-out answers!
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Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
Can you provide some system specs on your computer?
Can you provide some specific details as to the network "Ethernet" adapter you are using and is involved in this problem?
Is the "Ethernet" adapter one of those USB devices that adapt a USB port to an RJ45 connection?


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
Anyone experienced something like this?
I haven't and consequently I'm tempted to resist offering any suggestions, other than.....
As a result of the upgrade
the BIG 3-4GB update some days ago
You may find it necessary to reinstall drivers for your other hardware subsystems in order to get reliable and consistent performance from dependent hardware devices.
I would only recommend, going to Dell support website
Plug in your Service Tag number and see what they have in the way of drivers paying particular attention to BIOS, Chipset, Storage Controllers, Video, Audio, Network, USB, etc.

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