BSODs or crashes mostly from waking from sleep

Mar 2, 2020
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I've modified my power settings a few times, disabled hibernate, fast sleep. But about 1 out of 4 times it seems when my PC comes back from sleep mode it will crash. I ran checkdisk and still can't fix this. Windows 10 just seems buggy compared to Windows 7, 7 never gave me any problems.

I have an internal SSD and internal HDD and 1 eSATA drive that I use for backup or extra files.

I set it to not put my drives to sleep, because I noticed one time it crashed after a drive went to sleep.

I can't figure this out, but its such an annoyance.
Computer Type: PC/Desktop
OS: Windows 10, version1909, OS Build 18363.592
CPU: AMD FX-6100
Motherboard: Asus M5A88-V EVO
Memory: 16GB
Graphics Card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 750 Ti
Monitor(s) Displays: 3 Acer Monitors
Hard Drives: SSD and HDD
Browser: Firefox
Apr 22, 2017
Reaction score
Hi pers0n,

have you looked in BIOS/UEFI and is "Fastboot" enabled?. I personally don't use sleep or hibernate as I have had nothing but trouble with it in the past on both Windows and Linux computers!. :)
Mar 2, 2020
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I checked bios but don't have a "fastboot" option. I had quick boot, which is related to POST doing more tests, i've turned it off, but I know its not the same thing. Win7 had no problems with the sleep/hibernate mode, Win10 seems a lot buggier to me :(
Jan 27, 2016
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* Disable Hibernation (Windows rapid startup)
C:\WINDOWS\system32>powercfg /?


Enables users to control power settings on a local system.

For detailed command and option information, run "POWERCFG /? <COMMAND>"

Command List:
/LIST, /L Lists all power schemes.

/QUERY, /Q Displays the contents of a power scheme.

/CHANGE, /X Modifies a setting value in the current power scheme.

/CHANGENAME Modifies the name and description of a power scheme.

/DUPLICATESCHEME Duplicates a power scheme.

/DELETE, /D Deletes a power scheme.

/DELETESETTING Deletes a power setting.

/SETACTIVE, /S Makes a power scheme active on the system.

/GETACTIVESCHEME Retrieves the currently active power scheme.

/SETACVALUEINDEX Sets the value associated with a power setting
while the system is powered by AC power.

/SETDCVALUEINDEX Sets the value associated with a power setting
while the system is powered by DC power.

/IMPORT Imports all power settings from a file.

/EXPORT Exports a power scheme to a file.

/ALIASES Displays all aliases and their corresponding GUIDs.

Gets a security descriptor associated with a specified
power setting, power scheme, or action.

Sets a security descriptor associated with a
power setting, power scheme, or action.

/HIBERNATE, /H Enables and disables the hibernate feature.

Reports the sleep states available on the system.

/DEVICEQUERY Returns a list of devices that meet specified criteria.

/DEVICEENABLEWAKE Enables a device to wake the system from a sleep state.

/DEVICEDISABLEWAKE Disables a device from waking the system from a sleep

/LASTWAKE Reports information about what woke the system from the
last sleep transition.

/WAKETIMERS Enumerates active wake timers.

/REQUESTS Enumerates application and driver Power Requests.

/REQUESTSOVERRIDE Sets a Power Request override for a particular Process,
Service, or Driver.

/ENERGY Analyzes the system for common energy-efficiency and
battery life problems.

/BATTERYREPORT Generates a report of battery usage.

/SLEEPSTUDY Generates a diagnostic system power transition report.

/SRUMUTIL Dumps Energy Estimation data from System Resource Usage
Monitor (SRUM).

Generates a diagnostic report of system sleep transitions.

/SYSTEMPOWERREPORT Generates a diagnostic system power transition report.

/POWERTHROTTLING Control power throttling for an application.


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