Cannot boot with single drive, bot boots with 2 drives! Bootsector issue?

Nov 3, 2016
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So I tried booting windows 10 last night and got to the repair module. Would not boot and I was giving up since the HDD seems dead(fysical trauma). So I booted with aomei backuper USB to find my backup image and installed that on a 2. drive.

When I tried to boot from the 2. drive it dident work, but suddenly my old presumed dead 1. drive booted slowly. I was suprised but happy since I then had a chance to get my computer back to where it was. So while running the bad drive 1. windows I again ran aomei and did an disc copy from the now working 1. to the other disc 2.(formating the previous backuped version) thinking I now could boot from that.

But then When trying to boot from the working drive 2. with what seemed like a working Os, nothing.

So The bad drive boots with an working windows disc beside, but not alone... Any good ideas?
Oct 1, 2014
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A picture of your Disk Management window might help sort things out.

Usually the boot files are in a partition designated as "System". The OS you have booted to is designated as "boot". So you might be able to see what is happening yourself.

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