Can't delete contacts in Windows Live Mail

Dec 15, 2015
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I have 71 names in my contacts list that I can't delete.When I upgraded to Windows 10, I started using Windows Live Mail. I imported some contacts from a .csv file. Others were imported from another file. I deleted that file after the import. When I open my contacts the names imported from the csv file shows "address book" under the names. The names that were imported from the other file, don't say anything.

Later I tried to deleted all contacts. When I try to delete the "other file" contacts, the DELETE button is grayed out. I can send mail using these contacts. But I want most of them off my list. I deleted all the accounts I had on WLM and uninstalled/reinstalled WLM. The contacts are still there. I am not using any social medias that could be tied to it. I have used Skype. But the names in my contacts are not from there.
Jan 27, 2016
Reaction score
on my WLM - open email. then down to the bottom is contacts.
that should open all contacts. you should only need to right click and select Delete.
if that fails look up and find CLeanup Contacts
select the ones you want removed the wording is strange but you will see all the doubles or triples.

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