SOLVED Changes to Secure Boot Policy?

Oct 1, 2014
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I have been running a Win 10 system in non-Secure boot configuration for a while because of dual booting with Win 7. This system has, however, in the past run fine with secure boot which meant turning on Secure Boot and Disabling the CSM.

Yesterday I was going to set it back to Secure Boot and got the message in the attachment. When I changed it anyway the system booted to an Orange screen and stopped. Changing it back, of course, corrected the situation.

What might have changed to cause my M.2 PCIe drive to no longer have an approved UEFI driver? Bios updates have occurred as well as Windows Updates, so one of those must be responsible. I have been unable to find a updated UEFI driver for the Samsung SM 951 M.2 drive which is not NVMe.

What might have happened if I was running Secure Boot when such a change was made? Could it be happening to others?

I have ordered a new M.2 drive which is NVMe capable to see if that helps. For now I will just leave the CSM enabled although technically that is not Secure Boot..

Any observations/info?

ASUS X99 Motherboard with latest Bios update.
Samsung MZ-HPV256HDGL M.2 PCIe drive
Win 10 14393.351


CSM Error4.jpg


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
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the system booted to an Orange screen and stopped
That would appear to be a halt before a Windows driver would have come into play, and if it was truly a Windows driver issue, I would expect a different event and or message maybe even a BSOD.
IS it possible that because of a BIOS update that the controller configuration needs to be tweaked?
IS it possible that the controller is expecting a firmware to be present on the drive, that is not there?
Oct 1, 2014
Reaction score
When I first started with the M.2 drive, you had to install in UEFI to get it working. I was told then the driver for that device is in the UEFI firmware. The driver is still working, just seems it is no longer Secure Boot capable.

I will get the new drive sometime after 11/15 since they have not yet been released. Once I get that drive I can check it but there is a user loadable driver for it.

The bios has never allowed the system to boot in Secure Boot if something wasn't qualified but it would normally bounce you back into the bios. This time it just boots to nothing, possibly like the black screens some folks are seeing.

I will keep my eyes open to see if I see anything similar in some of the threads being posted.

I have been thinking about a new system. It seems on Nov.15 there will quite a few new options, such as the 7th generation chipset and motherboards to go with it. ;)

Thanks for the response.

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