Difficulty copying image files from Google Photos to File Explorer

Apr 16, 2023
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I am trying to take photos from my Google Photos and save them to File Explorer. There are many explanations on the web but none that I can figure out. It must have been possible historically, because the evidence is that I have done it many times before. But now I cannot achieve it.

This is what I am doing:
1] I select the pictures by going to Google Photos and clicking the arrows at their top left.
2] I go to File Explorer, select a folder, and attempt to Paste.
3] No Paste function is available, so I cannot achieve it.
4] Google Drive is somehow now recommended for copying functions, but I don’t understand what it is or how to use it.

Can anyone explain how to achieve this, which one would expect to be very easy to achieve?
Sep 26, 2017
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As to 'historically', the key function of Ctrl+C copies and Ctrl+V Pastes, useful if right-click and Copy or right-click and Paste don't work. I frequently save images from Web sites by the right-click and Save image as. I seldom use Google but would assume Google Drive is much the same as OneDrive [the old SkyDrive] and iDrive or other offerings for Cloud Storage.
Nov 19, 2013
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Never used it, but, in similar situations, I have found an option to email them to myself?

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