Email issues with Windows 10

Jan 21, 2018
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I purchased my computer a year ago that came with windows 10. I set up the email and I think it is outlook but it doesn't look as indicated by the pictures. I would like to have the outlook with the toolbar on top that has pretty much all of the functions. I also can't send any large group emails and I can't get into the groups that were transferred over from my last computer to make any additions or deletions. As you can see I'm not a techie.
Nov 19, 2013
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Before you can get help, we need to know which Email program you are using. Does it look like the built in Mail program, here:


Or this MSOutlook

Sep 26, 2017
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A couple of things, one is in terms/names such as Outlook can be the installed E-Mail Client that is part of Microsoft Office [not cheap] or in Webmail called [] which is replacing Another thing is the installed app that comes with Win10 that is an application called Mail, probably much like the older Windows Live Mail which was part of Windows Live Essentials.
Apr 23, 2016
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Okay, gang, this is my first post, so please let me know if I should start a new thread, or can I piggy-back on this one.

My question also has to do with Outlook. I have the "premium" version for which I pay $20 yearly. I do not have Microsoft Office, so I may have been grandfathered in with Outlook since I've been paying for the no ads version for several years. When looking at my past payments, a screen popped up that stated the premium version is available to new subscribers for $49.99/year. So, maybe Nels Halvorson can purchase just Outlook.

(1) Question: Is it okay if I use both Outlook and Mail that came with Windows 10? I like the email, news and weather alerts that pop up with the free Mail app.

(2) NEW PROBLEM: As of yesterday I get an error message when I try to empty my "Deleted" folder in Outlook. I've had to go to Mail to delete the items in my folder. A screenshot is attached.

(I have other problems so I will go back to the Forums to find the right area to post them.)

Premium Outlook has had it's own share of problems and support recently helped me recover all the email folders that disappeared when it was updated.


  • Outlook error.Screenshot.png
    Outlook error.Screenshot.png
    33.2 KB · Views: 530
Sep 26, 2017
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Your questions may not be appropriate to the OP's problem/s so your own thread would be the way to go.

1. Why? If using the same E-Mail address/ISP you probably will end up with duplicates.

2. That may be caused by the limits places by the ISP upon how much storage they provide/allow messages including any attachments. I start getting that type message when messages reach 75% of 1GB. If you want to save some of those messages create a new Folder to move them to, but keep in mind any limits by the ISP.

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