Senior with 2 issues-calendar notifications and saving emails

Sep 16, 2015
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My nephew installed Windows 10 for me but not available to assist me with the following problems. I have tried to sort these out myself but am very challenged in these areas:

1. The calendar works fine but I do not receive pop-up notification reminders on laptop screen. I did some test entries in past few days and some came up but now none come up. ( I do miss the email notifications from Windows7). I deleted the Windows 7 calendar entries and re-entered on Windows 10. I'm sure all the right boxes are checked . Could this be a Windows 10 issue which may resolve later?

2. Where can I store incoming or sent emails for reference later? In W7, I kept them in the storage Folders- Drafts or Sent.
Is the only place MSN Outlook.Com? My main page for emails is Outlook
Thanks for any help and I hope I will comprehend the advice you give me.


Sep 16, 2015
Reaction score
Hello ten-ring, If you go to the calendar tile on your desktop and right click on the tile it will give you an option to turn live tile on click to turn on and you will see notifications on the tile. You can also enlarge the tile if it is not the size you'd like. If you can post which browser you are using for your email I'm sure someone can help. The edge and /or outlook browser has the option to store your email in the sent folder. I hope this helps . All the best Rab
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Sep 16, 2015
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Thanks Rab. I was aware of the tile and it is on. It does display part of calendar items .I was referring to a pop up
which used to show on bottom right of the screen after log in. They appeared for a few days but no longer.
However! Something good is happening . When I opened mail this am, and for the first time since install of W10 a week ago,there were email notifications for calendar entries for today. I assumed this was a feature they had dropped from W7. I did a test calendar entry at 10:30am for 11:00 am but no email notification so I don't know why I am getting overnight email notifications but not while logged in during day. I had not tinkered with any settings since my original post of this thread. Could it be that some bugs are being worked out?

I think you suggest saving incoming emails by dragging to sent folder. I have done one and will see if they stay there until I no longer need to refer to them. I thought I could save them in Trash but this gets emptied after shut down. Hope you all understand my reply and await more assistance so I can stop scratching my head:(
Sep 16, 2015
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Yesterday afternoon, I did a test calendar entry for a few hours later and received an email notification.
Today I did not receive email notifications for 2 calendar entries from yesterday scheduled for this am.
Should I assume this is due to ongoing glitches with this feature? Thanks!
Sep 16, 2015
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Monday afternoon, I contacted Microsoft Support -had an online chat with someone who then asked me for my
phone number and called me. He transferred me to another area and after a 20 minute wait someone came on the line.I gave him the ok to go onto my laptop.All my settings appeared good .Then he ran a diagnostic for about 10 minutes during which we ended the call and went online chat again. The diagnostic ended with no problems found.
I expected to see him type a reply as to what to do next BUT he ended the session with no comment!!

I did a test calendar entry for later for which I received an Calendar email notification for that calendar entry so I thought this is good news. Further tests did not provide this notification and on log in this am. no notifications were on screen. I can live with this minor issue which is my only complaint . I assume that it will be rectified as bugs are worked out.
Another change I notice is that TRASH is renamed Deleted items. So they do appear to be addressing the quirks.


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
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Thanks for sharing that information and we're glad to hear that you've managed to resolve your problem.
Much appreciated.

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