er in win10 Program Files

Aug 3, 2015
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When backing up my Windows Program files I noticed a new program added named 'er' no idea what it is or where it came from but it has attached to Program Files and will not be removed or tampered with.
I cannot delete it, I did change the name to 'errrr' hoping to bypass it when backing up but it came back and included in it were several genuine programs. Possibly it appeared in an update as I have never added or updated programs in the last month.
Not being able to remove it and not knowing what it is or where it came from is a bit of a worry !!!
Any positive suggestions will be welcomed.
Nov 19, 2013
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It sounds very suspicious, if it is automatically including genuine programs. I would run something like Malwarebytes (Free) and see if it produces any significant results.


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
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When backing up my Windows Program files
How are you backing up? What program or utility are you using to perform this task?
I noticed a new program added named 'er' no idea what it is or where it came from
Typically you backup files and folders, why or what makes this "er" a "program"?
it has attached to Program
Attached where? At the source or at the destination or both?

Is it possible that these are log files generated by the backup software?
Feb 18, 2016
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Have you by chance recently downloaded or run ER/Studio Data Architect.
Aug 3, 2015
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Thanks to various responders, its what makes this site valuable.
1. Ran Malwarebytes. No errors reported.
2. Backup program is Syncbackfree..Has run for years with no significant problems
3. I considered it a NEW program beacuse it appeared in "Program Files" and I did not put it there.
4. Attached is wrong, APPEARS in Program Files is more correct.
5. They are NOT log files.
6. Have never touched ER/Studio Data Architect.
7. ER now appears in C:\ and includes Program Files, Program Files (X86), Recovery , Windows.
I cannot delete it as I have insufficient rights.
It does not seem to effect system function so I plan to leave it there and try to ignore it .
Still seems wierd though.
Nov 19, 2013
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I would emphasise that I would be very unhappy with it. With your self assurance that it is not the result of any program ( particularly backup progs) that you have currently running, I would make efforts to remove it.
First, look in the Task manager, under the startup tab, and see if there is anything you can identify there, that could be the cause.

Try the reg in the link below. After applying the reg, a right click on the folder should give you the rights to erase it. But, with the same permissions, I would move the whole folder to a safe place, and see if it has any adverse affects on your OS

You have my assurance that this hack is perfectly safe!

If that still does not work, then anothert option is to boot into safe mode and see if you can move the folder from there.
Oct 1, 2014
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You can attach pictures if you use the snipping tool to take a picture of the file structure. You can erase or cover any entries you may not want to show.

Do your security settings for the folder show any users which the other folders do not?

You might open the Registry editor and search for a folder with that name.

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