Failed to Update to Windows 11

Jul 17, 2024
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Hello, I've recently tried updating to Windows 11 using 'Windows11InstallationAssistant.exe,' but after my PC restarted at the 30-minute mark and booted back up, I was still running Windows 10. All it did was add a SYSTEM (E:) drive that I can't access. Did I do something wrong or what happened? I ran the Windows PC Health Check tool, and it confirmed that my PC can run Windows 11.
Sep 26, 2017
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Windows install always has more partitions than just the C:, System/Boot drive and some can't be accessed directly by a User. Did you try the install again? I prefer using the Microsoft Media Creation Tool to download an .iso file used to burn the bootable DVD disc or to create the Bootable USB Thumb drive. The DVD has to be a DVD+R/DL disc of 8.2GB as does the USB Thumb drive.

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