From Win 7 to 10, many many crashes

Sep 7, 2016
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In the 3 months of so since switching from 7 to 10, I have had to repair my system at least 9 or more times.

All of a sudden, I am notified I have no internet connection. I do the trouble shooting, etc, to no avail. I am then told to unplug and re-plug in my router, which works about 30 per cent of the time.

Most of the time, I have to do a re-set which leaves my documents, but takes away all my programs: all my anti-malware, anti-virus protection, Edge block, ccleaner, and several other programs.

It promised, when I first changed over, to retain everything that came installed on my computer. This happened after the first crash, after that, I lost Microsoft Word, which came on my computer along with some cards, banners, and several other programs---not office, but lots of other programs came with Word.

Now I can not longer get word unless I purchase it. I am quite upset at this. No disk came with my computer, everything was just installed, and now, no matter what I have tried to do, I can no longer get MS Word back and functioning. MS is blaming me for not having a disk but I am someone who saves everything, and no disk ever came with the program on it.

The cost for Word is $109.99, (Amazon sells it for $149) adding office is another $69.99, bringing the total to $179.98.

Why would I chance purchasing Word alone if it probably won't return the next time Windows 10 crashes on me, just like it has never returned after the first uninstall re-install of Win10?

Especially disappointed at being blamed for the mistake by MS.


Mar 4, 2016
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Hi Mishkyn,

Welcome to the Forum.

It seems like you have some fairly significant issues going on with your computer.

Are you able to let us know what we are dealing with:
  • Is it a laptop or desktop?
  • Is it a brand name (e.g. HP, Dell, Acer etctera)?
  • Do you know the model number of your computer?
  • Is there a second partition on the computers hard drive (which will hopefully be a Factory Recovery Partition)?

If you do have that partition we may well be able to get your Microsoft Office re-installed and you ought to be able to use the original product key for that as this will be an OEM product which belongs to you as owner of the computer.

if you can do you best to answer the 4 questions above that will help us help you.


Sep 7, 2016
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Dear Regedit32,
I never expected assistance, I was just reporting a problem I assumed could not be helped--I tried other MS forms etc with no answers.

Just in case: Gateway laptop Model: NV79. The only thing I felt I could do safely was bring up Disk Management, and this is what I found:

First item no name: Layout: Simple; Type: Basic; File System: Blank; Status: Healthy (Recovery Partition) Capacity: 12.00 GB; Free Space: 12.00 GB; % Free 100%

Second item: Gateway (C:)) [Don't know how that face got there, sorry] Layout: Basic; File: NTFS; Status: Healthy (Boot, Page File, Crash Dump, Primary Partition); Capacity: 453.66GB; Free Space: 402.82 GB; % Free: 89%;

Third item: System Reserved Layout: Simple; Type: Basic; File: NTFS;, Status: Healthy (System, Active, Primary Partition); Capacity: 102 MB Free Space: 56 MB % Free: 55%

From what I have read, this is not what is actually in the partitions---less space is free, etc. But that is all I am able to get to you at the moment---or that I feel comfortable retrieving without making some errors.

Hope this helps, and thank you,


Mar 4, 2016
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Hi Mishkyn,

From what I can tell from Gateways' website your computer came with either:
  • Windows 7 Home Basic 64-bit, or
  • Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit

    Do you recall which one?

It also appears it came with Microsoft® Works 9 with Office Home and Student 2007 Trial preinstalled.

Do you recall whether that is what you had to start with? Also, did you at any time upgrade from the Free Trial to a full version, and if so what product (i.e. Works or Office) and version (e.g. 2003, 2007 professional or home, etc) did you get?
Sep 7, 2016
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Dear Regedit32,
I wrote what is below, but then did more searching and found that under my Gateway model # and other information it said:

"Win7 Home Prem OA"

It was Win 7 64 bit. It did not come with Office, only Word and had a few additions that would allow you to make banners, cards and a few other things. There was no free office trial. I do not believe it was ever called "Works",--but I could be wrong. I remember only "Microsoft Word", with those other things to use that I never made use of. It was a program of sorts that listed "Word", I think "brochures", and a few things like that, I think there was perhaps a "business letters" choice, and perhaps a "resume" choice. I only ever used Word.

Does that help at all? Is there a way I can find if I had Premium? I don't think I had Premium, as that would probably have come with Office, or at least a free trial of Office, which was never present.

Let me know if I can search for something else that might help you.
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Mar 4, 2016
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Hi Mishkyn,

You'll need to check your laptop to see if there is any Stickers on it, or beneath the battery that include the Product Key for your Word.

If this sticker is not present, did your laptop come with any Disks that may have the Product sticker stuck on one?

Failing either of those options we'll need to do some searching in your Registry to attempt to recover the Product ID for Word instead.

In the mean while can you confirm whether you can locate the following:
  • Left-click on Start
  • If you have not all ready installed the Anniversary Update click All apps, otherwise scroll the apps list and left-click on Gateway then see whether inside this folder you can see an application named Gateway eRecovery Management

Note: What follows is how you may be able to reinstall Word.

do this until we find the product key / product ID for Word otherwise we may not be able to activate it. For now just make a note of how to do it.

If that is present then you ought to be able to use this to recover Word by doing the following:

  1. Click on Gateway eRecovery Management
  2. If the User Account Control window pops up click Yes.
  3. When the Recovery Management window opens, on the left side click Restore, then click Reinstall Drivers or Applications.
  4. Select Contents.
  5. Choose application (I assume Word) you wish to install.
  6. On the right, click the Install link and follow the prompts.
  7. The computer may restart when installation is complete.

    If it does not restart, manually shutdown and restart the computer.
Sep 7, 2016
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Dear R-32
You have been unbelievably kind and concerned, and I feel guilty about all the time you are spending on this.
My computer came with no disks.

There are 3 stickers with numbers on the bottom of the computer, 2 stickers where the battery case sits, 1 sticker with numbers on the battery itself, and a set of printed numbers also on the battery.

On the bottom of the computer, there is 1 sticker , titled: Windows 7 Home Prem OA , next line: Acer Group, then: "Product Key", which reads: xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx. There are 2 other numbers on that same sticker, but I assume that one is the important one.

I also have a serial number, an SNID number and several other numbers. If any more will help, just let me know.

I could not locate an app titled Gateway, but I placed Gateway eRecovery Management in the search box in start menu, and the "best match" came up and underneath those words said: "Search the web."

Hope the product key helps. I am reluctant to reinstall any drivers or applications after suffering 9-10 crashes with Win 10.

After all the work you have done, unless things can be cured easily, I am too afraid to fool around with this Win 10 system, it has gone out on me with regularity since I switched from 7-10, and I am too scared to temp fate. I do have other word processing programs to use, and if Word is going to take up too much of your time, I hate to have you spend any more time on it with me being afraid to play around with actions involving recovery/reinstall/drivers/restore etc.

I must get to bed, it is 1 am here, and I have a big day tomorrow. I cannot thank you enough for your incredible kindness and refusal to give up on me. But I hate to ask you to do more unless things can be done quickly and easily.

I thought as I aged, "guilt" would lessen, but I suppose it never does---you own it or you do not.

Thanks again for being such a champ.

Just edited out your Product Key - I don't want anyone stealing that from you! Regedit32
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Mar 4, 2016
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That is fine Mishkyn.

If you'd rather not play with the Recovery options I understand.

The key you posted (that I've since edited to prevent someone stealing it from you) was your OEM key which is what you'd need to activate your Windows should you ever do a Factory restore which would return your computer to its original status, with Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit, and any other additional software included by the manufacturer, including older drivers.

If you ever phone Microsoft or email for support they'd expect you to provide that key as evidence you own a legal copy of Windows. It is not transferable to another computer, and it also cannot be used to licence a non OEM installation of Windows.

Given all the trouble you've had with Windows 10 it seems either you need to update your BIOS and drivers, or perhaps your computer is simply not compatible enough for the Windows 10 OS. I'm surprised Microsoft were so unwilling to help with your Word application if as you said, it was not a trial version.

I had a major computer failure some years ago and was forced to purchase a new one as it simply was not worth repairing the other one - at the time I owned a single license copy of Microsoft Office XP Professional and after a short telephone call, followed up by my emailing a photo of my Product Key sticker, Microsoft kindly allowed me to transfer the license to my new computer at no additional cost. They also posted me for free a set of Microsoft Vista 32-bit and 64-bit installation DVDs that included Service Pack 2 to help me get my Windows installed easier. They came with their own Product Key but I was able to use my original product key with them which they suggested I do.

In terms of the other issues with Windows 10 that left you resetting it 9 times. Has it consistently been the same issue or have you had multiple different issues? Perhaps you could give some details on what precisely the issues are as we may be able to resolve those and atleast get a stable computer running for you.


Sep 7, 2016
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Dear R-32,
Thanks for changing the number for me, I never even thought of the danger of that. I am fairly sure I have solved the problem by not using my computer for too long at any one time. I think 10 uses way more resources than 7 did, and an old laptop has a tendency to overheat, so I make sure it is well vented.

The problem usually starts with the computer freezing, and sometimes just unplugging the router for 10 seconds works, but several times I have had to do a restore or re-set, whatever they call it.

This model was built very badly, you cannot reach the fan unless you undo the entire back, then take off several pieces on the top, including the entire keyboard. One store I brought it in for cleaning refused to deal with it, said the most they would do is spray some cleaner into the fan opening from the outside of the case.

Thanks for telling me what you did about office. I remember that my first few computers came with two or three manuals, one of which was huge, and a pile of disks. Now, I get a quick start guide and a pamphlet and am told to find the manual online.

I truly appreciate all your help and kindness.

PS Do you ever sleep?


Mar 4, 2016
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Hi Mishkyn,

I could take a look at your System Events Log to see if anything obvious sticks out. A lot of things can cause a System freeze but the three most likely scenarios are graphics driver issue, overheating or corrupted system files.

It will involve a little finger marathon but this is how:
  • Right-click on Start
  • Left-click on Command Prompt (Admin)
  • When the User Account Control opens click Yes
  • The Administrator: Command Prompt window will now open. In this window type or copy & paste the following commands — after each command press Enter key to execute:

    cd %homepath%\desktop

    Press Enter key

    wevtutil epl System SystemLog.evtx

    Press Enter key

    Now just type exit then press Enter key to close the window.

    Sample Image


  • On your Desktop now you ought to see a new file named SystemLog
  • Right-click on SystemLog and select Send to > Compressed (zipped) folder

    This will create a Zipped folder on your Desktop named SystemLog

    Sample Image


  • When you reply to my post beneath where you type your reply click Upload a File button and select the Compressed folder then click Open button so as to attach it to your response.

    I'll then be able to download it and take a look at the events logged your end to see if anything in particular sticks out as a common problem that may be causing your symptoms.

PS Do you ever sleep?

That made me laugh :D

Bit of a insomniac at times.


Sep 7, 2016
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Well, R-32,
don't know if I did this correctly, but I hope it works for you.


    750.7 KB · Views: 348
    750.7 KB · Views: 373


Mar 4, 2016
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Thanks for that.

You did it correctly.

It'll take a while to analyze this but I'll get back to you about it as soon as possible.
Sep 7, 2016
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Looks like it did it correctly twice. Take your time, R-32, I am sure you have plenty of other tasks that need your attention.

Thanks again for doing this for me. I tend to think it might have been over heating, since I have propped up my computer---I use a separate keyboard--it has not happened, also, I never keep it on for several hours at a time any longer.


PS you don't have to answer twice unless you really want to


Mar 4, 2016
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Hi Mishkyn,

Could you confirm for me are you running both AVG antivirus program and Windows Defender simultaneously?

I ask as your System log seems to show a number of Service Control errors that point to the AVGsvc failing.

Could you also check your Windows Update history as I can see at least one entry all ready stating an update for Windows Defender failed to install.


Mar 4, 2016
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Also, can you open that Command Promp (Admin) again and this time grab your Application log:
  • In the Administrator: Command Prompt window type or copy & paste the following:
    • Code:
      cd %homepath%\desktop
    • Press Enter key
    • Code:
      wevtutil epl Application AppLog.evtx
    • Press Enter key
    • Type exit and press Enter key

      Sample Image


  • Then on Desktop as before right-click the AppLog and select Send to > Compressed (zipped) folder
  • Then upload the Compressed AppLog to here

By the way once you've uploaded it you can delete the two files and two compressed folders from your Desktop to save space.
Sep 7, 2016
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Dear R-32,
Sorry took so long to answer, I usually am informed in my email that I have something from you. When I clicked on "open windows defender" : I received this message:
"This app has been turned off and isn't monitoring your computer." Both in my admin. account and my normal account.

This upload a file thing just seems like magic to me. Meant to thank you earlier for putting up all the illustrations in addition to the directions, that is so kind of you and makes things so easy for me.


    554.7 KB · Views: 363
Sep 7, 2016
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This popped up in a box titled "Event Viewer" Big red circle with white X inside of it, then:
"The following file does not exist:"

Don't know if the x is supposed to be after the evt, but it was on the next line in the box, even though there was room for it after evt.

Then, below the x , it said: It might have been deleted.

Then they gave me an OK box to check. How sweet.

Does this tell you anything? Again, I am in the admin. log in, not my usual one.
PS just realized, you probably saw this when you tried to open it.

PPS Did you get the "One or more logs in the query might have errors" box? Then: events displayed are partial results.

Also says: Log: the C:\Users\Admin.....etc then under error, it says, the system cannot find the path specified
Sorry if this is all redundant


Mar 4, 2016
Reaction score
Hi Mishkyn,

Your System log reveals a number of permission issues for various Local Services, some of which remain quite persistent, suggesting Windows is not managing to overcome the issue.

These errors seem to occur for two separate Users in particular, but not exclusively:
  • S-1-5-21-1185182139-3936779730-138790141-1003
  • S-1-5-21-1185182139-3936779730-138790141-1000

How many User accounts have you set up on the computer?

Do they all belong to the Administrators Group, or are some set for no privileges?

Could you open a Command Prompt (right-click on Start then left-click on Command Prompt) and enter the following two commands and report back the result please:
  • Code:
    reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\S-1-5-21-1185182139-3936779730-138790141-1000" /v ProfileImagePath

    Press Enter key

    reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\S-1-5-21-1185182139-3936779730-138790141-1003" /v ProfileImagePath

    Press Enter key

    Sample Image

Sep 7, 2016
Reaction score
Dear R-32,

I have one administrators account I only use when I want to change things, and one under another name that I usually use. Those are the only 2 accounts.

This is what came up which looks a bit different than what is above, so I hope it is right.

C:\WINDOWS\system32>reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\S-1-5-21-1185182139-3936779730-138790141-1003" /v ProfileImagePath

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\S-1-5-21-1185182139-3936779730-138790141-1003
ProfileImagePath REG_EXPAND_SZ C:\Users\Admin

Aren't you just so bored by all my goofball problems by now? You are extraordinarily patient.
Sep 7, 2016
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This came up after the first command string, so you might want to see it as it names a different user

C:\WINDOWS\system32>reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\S-1-5-21-1185182139-3936779730-138790141-1000" /v ProfileImagePath

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\S-1-5-21-1185182139-3936779730-138790141-1000
ProfileImagePath REG_EXPAND_SZ C:\Users\Tula.Panayiota

I am so confused, how you make sense of this stuff amazes me. M

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