GTX 1070 and Windows 10 (performance, crashes etc)

Apr 11, 2017
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I have installed windows 10 Pro for a while now alongside with a GTX 1070 (with the latest drivers from GeForce Experience). I started to have several issues soon, most important being the file explorer constantly crashing and refreshing, I used to try and open a single photo or pdf file and while the file opened, the file explorer would crash completely. Or I would try to open a photo and the Photo app would hang, many times along with the file explorer.

I've tried some tweaks in the file explorer settings, that only partially solve these issues. I know the file explorer crash is quite "popular" and I've found several references online, I've noticed that many of these people are using GTX 1070 graphic cards or other 10xx series cards, so I'm wondering if it's some kind of hardware compatibility issue or something.

Does anyone else have a GTX 1070 and have similar issues?
Jul 29, 2015
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I know the file explorer crash is quite "popular"
It may seem that way, but it's not really.

Have you scanned for malware?

I recommend you run System File Checker. From an elevated command prompt, enter: sfc /scannow and press Enter. Note the space before the slash.

I would probably want to make sure the interior is clean of heat trapping dust and all my temps are good. You might also test your RAM. You can remove 1 stick at a time and see what happens, or use a memory tester. I recommend MemTest86. Allow the diagnostics to run for several passes or even overnight. You should have no reported errors – not even one.
Dec 5, 2015
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i have same setup at home and never experienced a crash ... but a friend of mine have this bug recently and we try all and its not working ...

reinstall windows fix it

but i dont know where is coming from...
Jul 29, 2015
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a friend of mine have this bug
That's the thing. You say "this bug" as if there is just "1" cause for File Explorer (Windows Explorer in earlier Windows) crashes. There is not just 1 cause. There are potentially dozens of reasons File Explorer might crash - and most are probably not caused by "bugs" (which is a coding error), but rather some defect due to some file corruption, component failure, heat, power fault, malware, etc.

The problem with reinstalling Windows is it often does not fix the problem - especially if hardware related. But even it it does correct the problem, nothing is learned to avoid recurrence.
Dec 5, 2015
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I know but you seam experiencing the same problem he got... And I try everything to fix it. ...

Its weird because me and. 2 other friend we have same computer and we don't have this bug


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
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Its weird because me and. 2 other friend we have same computer and we don't have this bug
That might suggest that, while the computers are the "same" they are not identical, and might indicate that.....
There is some third party piece of hardware or even third party software that exists on the problem machine that is not present on the machines without the problem.
Many people ignore the fact that some software products can install drivers that behave just like hardware drivers (especially Security Suites) that can conflict and result in crashes.

It would be rare to have two machines that are identical in every respect including all peripherals and all software installed, let alone three or more.
Jul 29, 2015
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It would be rare to have two machines that are identical in every respect including all peripherals and all software installed, let alone three or more.
In fact, except for POS computers, virtually every single one of the 1.5 billion Windows computers out there became unique within the first few minutes after booting up the very first time.

Network configurations are setup, different monitors and printers are attached, security apps are setup, programs installed, and email is setup. Users customize their desktop, connect external drives and more.

That is not to say two computers can't have the exact same problem. They can. But it is not safe to assume the exact same "symptom" on two computers have the same cause.
Apr 11, 2017
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I have tried the sfc /scannow command and searched for malware with no luck.

If I knew simply re-installing Windows would solve the problem I would do just that. I'm just afraid that I would be a matter of time before it happens again.

Maybe the most reliable solution would be to re-install Windows, install my programs one-by-one and in between run some testing sessions, or even keep restore points between each software installation.

I just have a feeling that it has something to do with the Nvidia drivers, I came up with several complaints online, so I thought I should ask if anyone has found any drivers that work flawlessly.
Dec 5, 2015
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1 month since my friend do it and its working again but with windows nothing sure we can say when we dont find the source of this ... but he have windows installed since a very long time ... sometime registry corruption and so many program is installed its hard to know sometime...

and its not fun to buy a new video card of this price and stuck with this freeze problem ...

maybe you can plug another harddrive and make a new installation for see if its fixed?

maybe its the video card? but i dont see this often ...
Oct 1, 2014
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Some folks seem to have problems with the GeForce Experience. You might try uninstalling it. I usually do a custom install and don't include it with the install.

Otherwise, are you getting actual Blue Screen crashes?

What type of system and configuration is the card running in?


Chief Operations Officer
Apr 13, 2017
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Please remove that trash called Geforce Experience, it should die in a fire.

Also look and see if there are any firmware upgrades for your video card, if there are, please upgrade it, quite a few different manufacturers have released updates for 1080 and 1070.
Sep 18, 2016
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Absolutely do not install NV GF experience it now uses telemetry hooks, and you have to use process explorer to rind it and remove the entries (or manually remove them). When I build a gaming PC for a client with an NVidia card I tell the client what NV telemetry does, and collects, and why they should not use the newer versions of Gforce Experience when installing/upgrading drivers. There is a hack/workaround to be able to use new drivers with the older Gforce Experience, but just like Microsoft have done with Windows 10, NV have made it somewhat difficult for end-users to use it that way (if at all). So best to never use it at all and instead use a different game capture software (like OBS) if you want to record / share your gameplay and start from a baseline of graphic setting within the NV control panel settings and manually set up your game configs. It's actually very easy to do that.

Moreover, the new versions of Gforce Experience cause issues because of the IEFrame/Explorer OS/Hooks and how it works with default windows installs and default browser settings etc. In other words it can screw with things that would normally be fine even with everyday type use like web browsing and picture frame handling, file searching from explorer.
Apr 11, 2017
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That last paragraph could be the reason for all of my problems.

I don't really play a lot of games so I don't really care for any gaming benefits GeForce Experience would have to offer.

I'll probably go for a fresh Windows installation sometime soon. So should I just install drivers from the official Nvidia site:

Or something like this really necessary:
, which involves editing Setup.cfg ??
Jul 29, 2015
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The telemetry "myth" and rumors are no reason not to install this app. Somebody somewhere started that mess with misinformation and then failed verifying anything before writing about it. Then others haphazardly repeated and repeated it again.

See the How-To Geek: Relax, NVIDIA's Telemetry Didn't Just Start Spying on You.
PCGAMER: Nvidia's telemery monitor is not spying on you. No conspiracies here.

The Telemetry used by NVIDIA is used to collect crash and bug reports and applicable system information needed to determine the hardware specifics the program crashed with. This information, in turn, is used to fix the program so it stops crashing on us. That's a good thing!

If you are worried about your privacy, cancel you Internet service because your ISP knows way more than anything NVIDIA or Microsoft know, or are trying to know. Your ISP knows everything you do on the Internet, plus where you live, your real name, birthdate and billing information. And for sure, get rid of your cell phone because they know everything your ISP knows, plus who you've talked to and texted, where you have been, where you are currently standing (including the aisle in the store you are in :eek:!!), the direction you are heading and how fast you are traveling.
That last paragraph could be the reason for all of my problems.
So should I just install drivers from the official Nvidia site
I generally recommend using the drivers provided by the card maker. This is because card makers often tweak their cards to make them unique among the dozen or so other cards from other makers that are using the same GPU. Or you could just let Windows 10 do it. Contrary to what some want us to believe, W10 is actually very capable of picking the right drivers for us.

If I knew simply re-installing Windows would solve the problem I would do just that. I'm just afraid that I would be a matter of time before it happens again.
This is why re-installing Windows should ALWAYS be a last resort option. Especially with hardware issues, re-installing the OS often does not solve the problem because we end up using the exact same hardware, drivers and configuration. And even when it does fix the problem, you don't learn anything to help prevent recurrence. This is on top of all the other set-backs and inconveniences of starting from scratch.

Have you tried uninstalling your graphics drivers and doing a "cold" reboot? By "cold" I mean to uninstall the drivers then shutdown the computer AND unplug the computer from the wall for about 15 - 20 seconds. Unplugging (or, if your PSU has a master power switch, setting that to Off "0" for a few seconds) will totally remove the +5Vsb standby voltages across all points on the motherboard, thus ensuring any residual settings or voltages are returned to their quiescent states.
Apr 11, 2017
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I generally agree with you, and fresh installation is my last resort too. On the other hand, my installation is still relatively fresh, so I guess if I'm gonna go through with it, sooner is better than later. Apart from that, the first time I installed Windows on the particular machine I installed a massive amount of software all at once, even ones I had needed just once in the past. So if this is a software issue it's really hard to diagnose the cause. I'm thinking of going with a more "progressive" installation this time, a clean Windows installation at first (along with all the latest updates), and then install only the software I use every day, work with them for a couple of days and then install the rest of the software one at a time.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled Nvidia drivers a bunch of times, to be honest I don't remember if I tried doing a cold boot afterwards. I can't try it right now, I'm away at the moment, I won't have access to the specific machine till next week.

As for privacy, I do worry about it, but I'm with you on that one, there are far too many other ways for them to spy on me if the want to. I was referring to this paragraph MNCowboy posted

"Moreover, the new versions of Gforce Experience cause issues because of the IEFrame/Explorer OS/Hooks and how it works with default windows installs and default browser settings etc. In other words it can screw with things that would normally be fine even with everyday type use like web browsing and picture frame handling, file searching from explorer."

It reminds me a lot of the problems I'm facing.
Jul 29, 2015
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I'm thinking of going with a more "progressive" installation this time, a clean Windows installation at first (along with all the latest updates), and then install only the software I use every day, work with them for a couple of days and then install the rest of the software one at a time.
Sounds like a wise plan! :)
As for privacy, I do worry about it, but I'm with you on that one, there are far too many other ways for them to spy on me if the want to.
Sadly, too many people don't understand the difference between computer "privacy" and computer "security". While there are some similarities, there really is a HUGE difference. Microsoft and Windows 10, for example, are two of the best protectors of our "security" out there (if you let Windows keep itself updated) but if you believe all the nonsense about privacy published by the tinfoil hat wearers, you would believe Microsoft is the biggest threat to our safety and security - ever! :rolleyes: :(

To make matters worse, there are many irresponsible members of the IT Press and blogosphere who are only interested in attracting attention to themselves, and are NOT interested in reporting the facts. So they sensationalize headlines, exaggerate and twist the facts, and in many cases, simply make up falsehoods. :mad: Then others fail to do their homework and simply believe if they read it on the Internet, it must be true. o_O Oh well.

Neither Microsoft or NVIDIA are trying to steal our passwords or tax refunds, hack into our bank or Amazon accounts, or compromise our computers to use them to distribute malware or spam, or to use as zombies in DDoS accounts.
Apr 11, 2017
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Thank you for your interest :)

I will post again when I go on with the clean installation and see how it goes.

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