How to Stop Windows 10 from Installing updates/Restarting my computer

Nov 22, 2015
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My computer is a Toshiba 64-bit laptop.

I had a job running last night, downloading stuff from the internet. I knew would take approximately 30 hours to run. It ran most of yesterday and I had hopes I would wake up this morning and it would be finished.

Windows 10, in its infinite wisdom, installed updates and restarted my computer during the night. My job was ended and I had to restart it this morning. I can't run anything else that accesses the internet while this is running because it slows this job down too much. So now I have another day or more of not being able to do anything else on the internet.

How can I stop the updating and restarting of my computer? It is my computer, I should have control over that.


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
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Start Button -> Settings -> Update & Security -> Windows Update -> Advanced options -> Choose how updates are installed -> Drop down arrow -> Notify to schedule restart.
Additionally, if the option is available you can also check the box to "Defer upgrades"
Defer upgrades in Windows 10
Applies to Windows 10

Some Windows 10 editions let you defer upgrades to your PC. When you defer upgrades, new Windows features won’t be downloaded or installed for several months. Deferring upgrades doesn’t affect security updates. Note that deferring upgrades will prevent you from getting the latest Windows features as soon as they’re available.
Nov 22, 2015
Reaction score
Thanks for the prompt response. I changed the settings as you indicated. I don't mind getting updates but I want control over when my computer is shut down. I'd really like to control when updates are downloaded as trying to do two things on the internet, at the same time, slows both downloads down to a snail's pace.

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