I need some help to locate my Windows Live Mail folders and emails!

Jun 9, 2018
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Hello! I'm new to this forum and will be very grateful for any assistance.

I have been using Windows Live Mail for around 3 years as my email system for storing and accessing emails. And it is currently working. However, following a recent near catastrophic Windows10 update ( which temporarily rendered my laptop useless) I have become aware that Live Mail is no longer supported and I am keen to save my emails (and their folder structure) using one of the Cloud back-up systems.

So I backed up what I thought were my Live Mail data from the location
C:\Users\Mike\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Live Mail
onto Idrive.com which offers this service.

But having backed them up I inspected them and noticed that they were not up to date and were an old version of the files which were up to date prior to the recent Windows10 update.

Anyway to cut a long story short, I have spent some time trying to locate the currently active files - because Live Mail is currently working on my laptop - but without success.

For example, I have created a folder on my Live Mail with the name zxcvbnm and the searched my c drive - but to no avail!

So I have come to the conclusion that Microsoft has some cunning way of hiding such files and folders. I have clicked the box under File Explorer Options which says "show hidden files, folders and drives". But that hasn't helped.

And I have checked locations other than C:\Users\Mike\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Live Mail as suggested in a number of other forum sites that I have looked at.

Has anyone else come across this situation? And if so I'll be extremely grateful.

Many thanks for reading this.

Jun 9, 2018
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Mike Can you still open Live Mail? If so click on Tools > Options > Advanced > Maintenance tab it may list your storage locations. I have something similar in Outlook but the options are just storage locations and not folder storage path.

This may help with your issue. Good Luck!


Thanks. The Guardian article sets out perfectly why I am proposing to move to Thunderbird!

The route : Tools > Options > Advanced > Maintenance simply takes me to
C:\Users\Mike\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Live Mail
which is where the out of date folders reside.........

But I haven't give up yet! I know the up to date data are there somewhere on my C disc but how to get them to reveal themselves is bugging me!
Nov 19, 2013
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Have you tried exporting the mail to a folder?.
Tools - Export eMail - Email messages.
Feb 18, 2016
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Still cant find the mystery file? Have you tried using explorers search engine, it should locate the file.
Open Explorer > This PC, in the explorer search box top right type "Mail" or "Windows Live Mail"...
Jun 9, 2018
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Have you tried exporting the mail to a folder?.
Tools - Export eMail - Email messages.
Thanks Dave - i did try that, but if I ask it to export mail it only exports one email from within a Live Mail folder to the destination folder. I have tried various combinations - trying to export all emails, single folders, and folders with sub directories. Each time it just down loads one email per folder.....
Jun 9, 2018
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Still cant find the mystery file? Have you tried using explorers search engine, it should locate the file.
Open Explorer > This PC, in the explorer search box top right type "Mail" or "Windows Live Mail"...

Not quite sure
Still cant find the mystery file? Have you tried using explorers search engine, it should locate the file.
Open Explorer > This PC, in the explorer search box top right type "Mail" or "Windows Live Mail"...
Thanks again. Is this the same as searching as shown on attached pdf. If so it just takes me to those locations where the out of date live mail is stored!


  • screen print.pdf
    213.6 KB · Views: 417
Jun 9, 2018
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Darn. I used Live Mail a long time ago, and liked it. Somehow, I transferred everything over (to Outlook), but I cannot remember how. It was , most likely, done through the MS user account -


Found this:

Well I like Live Mail but as I mentioned I had a nasty experience with Windows 10 update wiping me off my laptop and have had to to reconstruct Live Mail with some difficulty, and suspect that at some future point Microsoft (who aren't concerned with current users of Live Mail) might simply eliminate it from my laptop - maybe I'm being overly pessimistic. But that's the reason I'm trying to migrate to Thunderbird! Thanks for your efforts to help.

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