SOLVED Large System Volume Information folder

Feb 5, 2016
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I use two USB external hard drives for backup of my laptop and desktop both of which have two partitions. I was getting a notification that one of the partitions on each drive is running out of storage. All four partitions didn't seem to to be very loaded with files. I had unchecked the "keep system files hidden" tab so I could open it and found I didn't have access rights, or whatever. Then I ran across Tree Size and Folder Size in my google searches, downloaded the TreeSize program, installed it and open up one the "full" partitions. Shocked me see a folder on one of the partitions, System Volume Information, that is 535 GB. The Reflect backup on that partition is only 134GB. Tried Folder Size and found the same results. Both have large files that I don't understand what/why they are there. I understand that it not good to mess with "system files". Went back to google, found some info that said the System Restore Points (SRP) are stored there and to go in and delete them to recover storage. But I don't recall ever creating a SRP for C: drive on either external drive, and wouldn't it go into the System Volume Information folder on C: anyway. The SVI folder on C: is 28 GB. I make the backups on the externals and after that I put a copy of one computer onto the other external drive partition. Double, separate backups of each computer on different externals.
My questions are, are the SVI files on the externals really needed, how did they get there, and if I don't need them, how do I get rid of them? I'm thinking about moving all "data" on one of the drives to a safe place and then reformatting that drive/partition. But is that the only solution? Really lost. Can't find anything on the web that addresses SVI being on external b/u drives.
Thanks in advance to any and all.
DonC (old USAF retiree)


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
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But I don't recall ever creating a SRP for C: drive on either external drive,
Have you checked your system restore settings with the external drives connected?
It's possible that it might be "ON" for those drives.
IF so, just click "Configure" and slide the "Max Usage:" slider all the way to the left.
You can also use the "Delete" button and the "Disable system protection" radio button to stop the creation of restore points on those drives.
Oct 1, 2014
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There is also a utility you can use to delete or check for volume shadow copies. Open an admin command prompt and type vssadmin. You will get a list of commands you can use to perform certain functions.
Feb 5, 2016
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As my granddaughter would say, "Holy Comoly PopPop", it worked. I have no idea how I got restore data on the external drives. I checked before this and had all four 'drives' set to OFF. When I finally figured out what you were telling me, I went in and slide the Max slider far left, hit the Delete button, rechecked that system restore showed Disabled - all four drives. Opened TreeSize and voila, bad stuff gone and all data back to normal.
As I have said before, THANKS! I don't know how you do it, but I am definately glad you are here to help.

I'll look up Saltgrass' info and help just for educational purposes. THANKS! to you also.

I'll close this thread.

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