SOLVED New screen purchased, but now can't enter display for screen saver.

Aug 23, 2015
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I had to buy a new screen for my Desk Top computer. My computer man had to take my comp away to do a recovery job, but when he came back to set computer up the screen wouldn't come on which was what set the problem off before, with me switching the comp off when it was doing updates. I thought it had finished because the screen was off. It turned out that the screen had packed up, but I had had it for about 13yrs.

After the new screen was set up and he went, I clicked to look at my display for my screensaver slideshow just to check it, but a panel came up to say that Windows couldn't access the path or find the file, and that I may not have permission to access it. I can access the other settings for time and size etc. I can ring my comp man tonight when he's home but I just wondered if anyone knows why it would be doing this? I'm running Windows 10 with Microsoft Edge. Screensaver comes on OK, but I may want to access it at some point. The screens are bigger now to the flat screen one I had. It was a 17cm and this one is a 21cm.
Aug 23, 2015
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Hi Wolfie,

I found the menu on the monitor and where it says Reset, it's got No at the side. I don't know how to move around the menu anyway because the cursor doesn't work on it. It's got Next Menu as it only shows about three things and there are two arrows pointing in opposite directions and one down arrow. I see it has other things such as Brightness, which mine is set to 100%, which I feel is a bit bright with the larger screen. I think it might have Colour Adjustment in the other menu too.

I rang my computer man to tell him about the panel coming up and what it said, and he says it's got nothing to do with the monitor, it's my computer. I asked him how to fix it and he said he didn't know. The screensaver slideshow is working alright, but I just might need to do something in there sometime. I have it set to Shuffle at the moment, which I prefer, but you can have it to do just a certain folder, so it means I can never change to anything else. I'm not saying I want to but it's nice to know I could if I wanted to. I don't know what I'm supposed to do about it, as he's just left me with it and he's been paid. I reckon he should know, as he knows his way around computers, he's been doing it for 40yrs he advertises,
Feb 18, 2016
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Did your PC man set himself up as "The" Administrator password protected?
I think it's time to get another PC serviceman.


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
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Yep.... that would be my best guess as well.
The account that you are using may not be a member of the local administrators group.
Time to get your "computer man", back and discuss the issue with him.
Apr 22, 2017
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Hi jackie,

what monitor do you have?, we can take a look at the menu functions for you!.

With regards to accessing files, are you logged in as the main user or as has been pointed out in the previous two posts, do you have more than one account?. o_O
Aug 23, 2015
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Hi Everyone that replied to me. I've solved the problem now. I clicked on the Help on the page for Screen Saver Settings and Display Settings etc. It brought me a panel to put my problem into, and that brought various things back to go to. I think I saw a Chat on that page and it had Telephone Us as well, or you could arrange a phone call. I clicked on the chat and a panel popped up with someone to ask me what my problem was. I explained all the details with typing, as above and he got me to open the Run and put some letters in there and it brought the Problem Detector, or Trouble Shooter up. I can't remember what I had to put in now, but he said to see if it asked for a passkey, after it had run along with a blue line. I told him it did, there was the strip there saying to enter the passkey, which of course I didn't know.

He gave me my passkey, about a dozen numbers, don't know where from, I think he was to do with Microsoft I had to put it in again as it said to verify the number and try again, though, I thought I'd put it in right. It worked the second time. It took me to the panel again saying that I needed to restart my comp to install drivers and updates. This guy had asked me if there was anything that had got spoiled in my updates, but I said my comp man had done a recovery with those so they should be OK. It had the option to do this right away or stay to continue with the trouble shoot, but you had to put in what device you were having a problem with.

The tech man said to choose to stay as I said I didn't know how to get back to the Trouble Shooter or to him if I restarted my comp. He said he'd send me the links and the 'assist no' or whatever it's called in an email, and I could try them if restarting didn't work. He'd said in the beginning that this Trouble Shoot (which I've seen before when my comp's stopped working sometimes) usually worked 90% of the time.

Anyway, after we'd finished and I'd thanked him for his time and trying to help me, which he apologised for not getting right to the problem, I closed all the windows and decided to restart my comp first, after I'd checked and seen his email he'd sent me, which I'm saving as it has useful links on it. It was from the Answer Help Desk. When I'd restarted my comp, I went to the Screen saver page by right-clicking, I think it is, on the screen and clicked, Screen Saver Settings, expecting to hear the loud noise and the panel coming up again, but it was very quiet, and Lo and Behold a separate window opened with the display screen on it with my photos going round! I never felt more relieved! Good on that man, no thanks to my computer man! I have used him for a lot of years though, and he built this comp that I'm using now. Don't know if it installed new drivers and did updates, but it must have done, and maybe that's what was needed with the new monitor added. My comp man put the software on with a disc, so surely all that should have been there, but he should have known what to do anyway, instead of just leaving me with it! I don't know how he could say that he didn't know how to fix it if he's got 40yrs experience!

Don't know what this passkey was about, unless it's to do with my Microsoft account. I used to have a password for the Windows 10 screen which was put on after W10 was installed. Good job the password I used worked or I'd have been stuck! My comp man took the password option away after I asked him if I needed to have it, but it was a good safeguard. Now the picture just goes away to my Desk Top but was wondering if this had something to do with it. I've never used the Log On system in the Start menu over the years of using the computer. Glad it's fixed now though. Thanks for the suggestions. I'd like to thank that Tech man but it's an automated email but has the Ticket number we were using as he did say that I could answer him .I'd like to let him know.

I've found out how to move around that monitor menu. You just move along the buttons. I put the brightness of my screen down to 65% as it was at 100%, and the Contrast, but it doesn't seem to look any different. There's supposed to be a colour adjustment I think but I can't find it. To go into The Next Menu, it just seems to mean that list that it's showing, to move up and down it. Mine's an LG monitor, by the way, 21 cms. I've moved up from a 17 cm. The screen looks a bit hazy with the largeness, but quite panoramic. All for now then. Thanks again for input. :)
Aug 23, 2015
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Thank you Wolfie. I daren't play around too much incase I do something wrong. Still finding my way around the menu on monitor. Will have to copy the links into a folder in my email. Actually, I've just gone and saved the email in my Logins folder so I can use the links anytime. :)
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