Odd thing about my dell laptop

Aug 3, 2021
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Hi Everybody.

I would like to ask something that my Dell laptop with Windows 10 Pro do. I change the battery on it because the battery that was in it only recharge up to 57%. So I bought a new battery which recharge up to 100%. But my Dell laptop (Dell Latitude E6420) has Windows 10 Pro 20H2 it acts a bit odd. Sometimes it start support charge the battery. When it does this it switch the computer off. Why does it do this? And is there any way to stop it from switching off it? Here comes odd thing too. I use the Linux Mint on it before I install Windows 10 Pro since Linux Mint stop working on it. When it use the Linux Mint it didn't switch off the computer when it support charged. Why does Windows 10 Pro do so? I have try other forums but no one answered me on these questions.

Nov 19, 2013
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You are, of course, connected to the main power source when charging, or, even when using. It sounds like the charger is not working. What is the percentage of battery before the laptop switches off?
Aug 3, 2021
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This is where it is a bit odd. The laptop says the battery is on 100%. I think it can be that the battery is a new. The battery I got with the computer could only charge up to 57% and the new one can charge up to 100%. Here is one more odd thing when I click on the battery near the clock and date it say that he can only find one battery. But it also says Battery 2: Doesn't exist, Battery 3: Doesn't exist. As far as I know there is only one battery in it. When it support charge it doesn't switch the computer full off. It switch the computer to sleep. As far as I know the battery is a Greencell. I think the computer doesn't like it. But I find it a bit odd when I had Linux Mint on it did the same. But it never went to sleep position. I check with "HWiNFO64" it says that the battery is a "Samsung SDI DELL P8TC727". I have check where one can control the battery. And I can't find anywhere where I switch off so that it doesn't go to sleep when he support charge the battery.
Nov 19, 2013
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Gave you looked in, and customised, the : Settings - System - (On the left) Power and sleep - (On the right) Additional Power settings

You can adjust quite a few things in there.
Aug 3, 2021
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Hi Everybody

I think the computer which is a second hand computer has something wrong with it sensor. Because I decide to check the battery health. And when I use Powercell (powercfg /batteryreport) it saves a HTML page. And on it says that there is no battery installed on the computer. I have no plans to stop using this laptop. It is either the sensor that sense that there is a battery there or something else wrong. Because this is what it says (No batteries are currently installed) even though there is a battery there. It is a bit odd that it didn't switch the sleep when I ran Linux on it. If this countinue I will probably go back to Linux. There doesn't seam anything wrong with the battery at all.


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