Password issues plus unbelievable Microsoft support

Oct 18, 2015
Reaction score
I have two PCs which I have upgraded to Windows 10. I took it slowly I did one then two weeks later did the other. All looked good until this week when the first upgraded PC started to ask for a password to sign in to the PC out of the blue – I used my Microsoft account password and gained entry. The next day I was asked again for the password I used my Microsoft account password and was not allowed entry. After repeating the Microsoft account password for a few times I had to resort to the change password procedure. This I did and gained access. The next day the exact same issue arose and again I had to change the password. After the THIRD time it was not funny anymore so when I finally got into the PC I decided to change the settings to a LOCAL password and not the Microsoft account password. Today I am very unhappy. I tried the LOCAL password and was rejected. I can see the hint and I know I am right with the password. So I tried Microsoft support. I got a very slow responder named Ariel M. and explained my issue. After close to 30 minutes I am still not able to gain access to my PC. The reason why is because Microsoft want to charge me 99 USD for their Premium Support service to fix a problem which in my opinion is their issue. It seems rather ironic that we were able to upgrade to Windows 10 for FREE whilst fixing any issues with it cost 99 USD and this is ONLY for 30 days. Incidentally Ariel M is a joy to work with he actually terminated the call when I started asking hard questions about the legality of what Microsoft are doing here. I always knew that dealing with Microsoft is like pulling teeth and unfortunately they proved it yet once more. Here is a transcript of the conversation.

Basically I am happy with Windows 10 but this sort of problem and behaviour by one of their employees is not acceptable to anybody in my opinion.


Ariel M

Microsoft Answer Tech

Hi, thanks for visiting Answer Desk! I'm Ariel M. 11:24 am

HOW are you? 11:25 am

I am having trouble accessing my PC for the 4th time due to password issues - I am currently locked out Windows 10 11:25 am

I see, 1127 am

Oh! that is not good to hear, thank you for sharing your concern. I will do my best to help you out with that. Okay? 11:27 am

And may, may I have you name please? As well as your phone number. In case we get disconnected I can call you back. 11:27 am

I have changed the Microsoft password three times and yesterday I changed the system to accept a PC only password today it does not recognise it (my name was here)11:28 am

Phone number 0044 **************11:29 am

Is this a Microsoft account? 11:29 am

It was until password 11:29 am

I changed it yesterday to a PC specific. Today when I put in the PC specific password it says it is not correct but I can see the hint and know I am entering the correct new PC specific password 11:31 am

The help wizard is calling for a disc 11:31 am what disc? Incidentally I never asked for the PC to be password protected it just appear one time on turning on the PC after some upgrades 11:33 am

I am not happy about this at all. 11:33 am

What operating system are you using right now? 11:34 am

When I can get into the PC it is running Windows 10 11:35 am


Can you understand this? 11:37 am

Yes! 11:39 am

Okay! 11:39 am

Did you do upgrade to get the Windows 10? 11:39 am

Good then what is the answer to me gaining access to the PC I am locked out of please?

11:39 am

Is the Microsoft account? 11:40 am

Yes I upgraded two of my PCs to Windows 10 one is a constant problem now with passwords the other doesn't even ask for a password - that's strange in itself! 11:41 am

Just to set your expectation, Microsoft actually has Premium support options. Our service is complimentary if the issue is easy to fix, we have our Premium support if the issue is complex and requires advance troubleshooting and lastly I can provide you our self-help resources if you prefer to troubleshoot in your own. 'Il go ahead and troubleshoot the issue and see if we can resolve this quickly. 11:42 am

The PC am locked out of is a LOCAL PASSWORD changed it yesterday form from the Microsoft account password because it was giving problems. 11:42 am

Yes really need this issue fixed at no cost thank you 11:43 am

will try my very best to help 11:44 am

but this issue need advanced tools to fix 11:44 am

I hope you can need this PC for work purposes 11:44 am

I need you to sign up our Premium Software Support 11:44 am

Okay! 11:44 am

What is Premium Software Support? 11:45 am

This is $99 for US country 11:47 am

This 30 day warranty 11:47 am

I have just seen that this service costs 99 USD - why do I need to pay his for Microsoft's problem? 11:48 am

And we can ensure you that this will fix right away 11:48 am

This seems like a nice earner to me - upgrade the PC cause a problem then get somebody to pay 99 USD - no wonder you gave the upgrade away for free you get the money back in installments of service!! 11:49 am

You can have a free upgrade to get the windows 10 11:51 am

But that is not a Microsoft Fault 11:51 am

It not our Fault it is your fault 11:51 am

I believe that legally your upgrade was supposed to provide to me a programme Fit For Purpose it obviously is not and now you are asking for payment to fix a not fit for purpose problem ask your lawyers if they think I am right? 11:52 am

Chat has ended. (ARIEL TERMINATES THE CHAT) 11:52 am


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
Hello Brian and thanks for sharing.
That was almost entertaining, at least to the casual observer. I'm sure it was neither funny nor entertaining for you and it is definitely a sad state of affairs.
I've seen across multiple forums many people with these password issues and many have not been as fortunate when attempting the
I had to resort to the change password procedure.
Glad to hear that you were able to resolve your problem.
I always keep a second admin account on my computer. I seldom ever use it but it's there just for such situations.
Oct 18, 2015
Reaction score

Thanks for this sensible tip.

This really is a practical, obvious thing to do when considered in the cold light of day.

This idea would work well with Windows 7 and previous versions however I am not so sure that WIndows 10 will accept this concept. It's early days for Windows 10 for me but what I am finding is strange. For example my second PC when first upgraded never asked for a password to first enter the PC on startup; however over this weekend it too started to ask for a password which turns out to be the Microsoft account password. In addition to this the same issue with the NUM LOCK being disabled occurred even though the wireless keyboard here is different make from that used on my other PC set up.

So what are the takeaways from my experience so far:

1 When you upgrade to Windows 10 be prepared for some surprises. For example not being asked for a password to enter the PC for a short period to suddenly this requirement appearing some time later.

2 It seems like when the sudden appearance of the requirement to login occurs users must be aware that if you use a wireless keyboard be prepared to investigate the possible disablement of the NUM LOCK feature when the PC is shut down. This can cause a lot of problems and frustration for users with passwords containing numbers whose normal way of working is to use the numeric keypad when signing in.

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