REG DELETE" from CMD prompt. Ran into a problem...

May 23, 2016
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Trying to use the following syntax from the cmd prompt:

REG DELETE HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT /v <two words seperated by a space> /t REG_MULTIZ_SZ /d <a specific line of text contained within the reg_multi_sz string>

What's the correct syntax since when I write the above I get a 'syntax error'?

To clarify: the REG_MULTI_SZ string I'm trying to modify has a name comprised of two words separated by a space.

Further: It contains multiple entries. I'm trying to delete one specific entry from within it.

Even further: Even if it were to contain only one entry, I'm trying to delete that specific entry while leaving the actual REG_MULTI_SZ string in existence, but empty.

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