Win 10 cannot update and other bad things.....

Jan 16, 2018
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I upgraded from windows 7 Pro to 10 Pro. All has been well for the last year. This summer strange things started to happen. The laptop would not update any Windows 10 updates. No matter how many times it tries to update, it always fails. It has tried hundreds of times,several times every day. I've uninstalled Update assistant and turned off auto update but it will not stop trying to update.
I have tried all of the RESETS to reload 10. It runs for hours and then says it is reverting back to the old version.
I have many expensive software's on the computer and if I try to load Belarc Advisor to get my program keys, it too will not load and errors out.
I do not have a 10 disk,nor thumb drive as my 10 was the free download to upgrade a couple of summers ago.
I'd hate to loose all my programs since I can not recover the keys. What can I do?
I know enough about computers to do some repairs if I understand the terms you use..
Thanks for your help.
Jan 16, 2018
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No,none of the on-board resets work. They will run for hours and always fail at the very end where the repaired/reloaded software would boot to normal and then re-install the corrupted OS.
I need,if such a thing exist, as it did in XP PRO, a master Windows 10 disk or thumb drive that can "see" and repair the damaged OS. Check Disk and the like never find a problem in the OS.
I was dumb and had PC Matic for a year and I'm thinking something snuck into my system and is causing problems.
I have Kaspersky and Hitman Pro running now and they find nothing wrong or bad hiding.
No viruses nor Trojans have ever been found,just tracking cookies.
I did notice,since I do not use it, Microsoft EDGE is missing,as in gone,no longer in the OS and it too will not load if I go to MS and try to download it.
Any help or ideas that are known to correct this problem would be appreciated.
Apr 22, 2017
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If you have all your data backed up, I would flatten the drives and do a fresh install!.

You need a USB/DVD to run troubleshooters anyway, by the time you have mucked around with that and found possibly nothing, you could have done a clean install!. :) That is of course up to you!. ;)
Jan 16, 2018
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Thanks for your advice. I've had my fill of Windows 10. I'm not spending a dime more on this problem that will cost me hundreds of dollars on lost program's that cannot be retrieved due to the lost keys.
I really liked XP Pro and even 7 Ultimate. I am not a fan of 10 and its problems.
Apr 22, 2017
Reaction score
Hi Rapidrob,

if you use the "Upgrade" option described in my link above, you will keep your data, you just have to copy and paste it into the new folders!.

W10 does have its problems I admit, once you get your head around it, it isn't that bad!. :) You can always dual boot with W7 and W10. ;)

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