Windows 10 wont boot, or it gets stuck, wont update, just resets.

Sep 13, 2017
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Was not simple trying to clarify my problem in a small title. My online classes begin in 5 days, I am desperate here! Here we go. 2 days ago I tried to import pics from my phone to laptop. I have had this laptop only for 3-4 months, and just mainly used it for school. Before halfway through the importing of pics process it rejects my phone, and will no longer recognize it (Samsung Galaxy S5 active btw). I did so much research, and tried so many usb settings tweeks, but nothing. It hates my phone for some reason.

Then at a point during all that, I reset my laptop and it just gets stuck with black screen and circle bubbles. Doing all the things you can think of on google, so many searches. It goes from that to getting stuck on welcome screen, then doing more work and searching, I get it to go to my desktop, but its only a black screen with mouse cursor. Before this point I couldn't even get it to boot through safe mode, it would get stuck. I can get safe mode now, but wont let me access any setting or options, no control panel. Not even start menu! I could only get into task and device managers. At that point I saw "!"s on my display adapters, video card, network card, and a couple of other visual type devices. Tried to uninstall, reinstall drivers, nothing. I've done so many things to resolve this, but ask if I've done it anyway, please. Before I left for work earlier, I just gave up. I started the reformat process from the reset pc setting. After it finished I put in my time zone info in, with all the date and time settings already in place. But it wont connect to wifi, or wired. With it wired, it tries for longer, then the laptop just resets and it goes back to the date and time settings page again. I'm sorry if this is too long, I have been at this for 2 days like I said. I'm sure there are things I'm forgetting to mention, so any questions just ask away.
Sep 13, 2017
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Thanks for your reply Wolfie, I did try either this or the boot from usb, can't remember which at this point but not both. My main concern is, since I can't even get into the desktop to do any of these things, is it safe to make this usb from a different OS, like Windows 7?
Apr 22, 2017
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HI Conrad,

yes you can do it from W7 no problem, just follow the instructions in the guide!. :D
Oct 1, 2014
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Sometimes, you just need to take a breath and let the system try to recover. If you have reset and reformatted, and Windows is functioning, there were be quite a bit of housekeeping it needs to do.

Right now, you should concentrate on getting the system stable. Once there, you can start working on individual items.

If you do not have an internet connection and you cannot get your wireless or Ethernet connection to work, you may need a driver. You can get that if you have another system or friend. There are always options for external Network adapters.

Who knows what happened with the Samsung situation. I don't have that phone so I can't help there, but other ways to connect may be available.

So, what is your current situation and what can you do regarding updates or driver installs or repair operations? For instance, can you get into the Admin Command Prompt or do you have access to Settings?

If you get a black screen with a mouse cursor, try and external monitor.
Sep 13, 2017
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Currently after formatting, I can't do anything in the UEFI because it wants me to login with a "defaultuser0" password. I enter nothing, or "password" "admin" yet it tells me its incorrect. Google searching, I only found ways to get it to accept "defaultuser0" as admin through command prompt. Though I cannot access command prompt even in UEFI (which is my only option) because it wants the password 1st lol. I currently am doing Wolfie's guide to reinstall windows with usb drive. I deleted all partitions, and am letting windows load onto the hard drive the way it wants to.
Sep 13, 2017
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So it's finished and this is the 1st time I've seen a desktop background in days!! Thank you! But trying to go around and check the status of things, I have no mouse cursor.. I read I would have had it during the installation wizard but didn't, and don't have it on my desktop either.
Sep 13, 2017
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Ok not trying to spam, I do apologize. I should have thought that last problem out better before posting, but I do have a pointer now and am installing windows updates. Everything is looking good, but I'm still holding my breath and will only post again if I encounter another serious issue. I thank you all again so much for the help!

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