Windows10 asks for permission... I'm the only person who uses the computer

Jan 7, 2016
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Hi folks,

I updated from Vista a couple of days ago. Vista was awful but I'm already having issues with 10. Now it seems to need permission from... something? There is only one account on this computer and I'm the only person who uses it, and I'm the administrator. I'm logged into the only account that exists. I'm literally just trying to delete this folder. What do I do?




Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
You might try first....
Taking ownership of the folder
I use this
It's a small registry file that adds a takeownership menu option to your right click context menu.
That might be sufficient, or....
You might have to additionally grant your username explicit rights (full control) to the folder, its' subfolders and files
Right click the folder and choose properties, select the Security tab and see who has permissions to do what.
If your username is not included then you will need to add it, check the box for full control and cascade it down to include all child objects.
Jan 7, 2016
Reaction score
Hi Trouble, and thank you for your help

So I had already done the properties/security method but it says all the users have full control (picture below; any of the options says it supposedly has full control, regardless of whether I pick SYSTEM, EDJ-OC/EDJ, or "Administrators")

I dloaded the Take Control feature you suggested and I suspect it'll be quite useful going forward but in this particular situation, even after I pick Take Ownership, once I try to delete the folder, the same exact message comes up, as referenced in the original post.

Any other ideas? :S There is only one user (me) and this hadn't happened before getting Windows 10.



Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
Step #1
Right click the folder again and choose properties.
From along the top choose the "Security" tab.
In the box titled "Group or user names:"
We want to explicitly grant your "User name" full control to that directory, sub folders and files, so......
Click the "edit" button just underneath that box.
In the resultant windows click the "add" button
Click the "Advanced" button
Click the "Find Now" button
In the "Search results" box at the bottom find and double click your User Name
Click OK
Now select your user name and examine your permissions in the box labeled "Permissions for Your User Name"
By default they will generally be only " Read & Execute, List folder contents and Read"
We need to change that by checking the box at the top of the left column under "Allow" "Full control"
AND click OK

Step #2
Unfortunately we are not completely finished.
Now click the advanced button again
Select your user name from the list
Click the "Disable inheritance" button
Select the "Convert" option from the prompt Window.
Check the box at the bottom that says
"Replace all child object permission entries with inheritable permissions entries from this object"
That will cascade all your changes down to sub folder and files.
Answer the prompt in the affirmative when asked if you are sure.
And may take a while also depending on the amount of data present.
Click OK
Again if any prompts are presented, answer in the affirmative. While OK'ing your way back out of any and all open windows or dialog boxes.
Now we're done and if you've been patient enough to follow all of the above correctly you should now be able to delete the folder.
Last edited:
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
Which path did you take to update to Windows 10? - New purchase or through the insider program?

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