Anyone had this problem like me o 10,7,XP,w2k

Jul 14, 2020
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I downloaded window 7x64 from site, on new drive, copied all my original files, backup to laptop harddrive. Intent to recover original system using factory settings. The machine started the activation notice after 3 days, i was not registering new copy but restoring original copy on Laptop, it started acting strange then it started denying me access to opening,deleting files. So after research on trustinstaller issues i granted the administrator those rights. My backup drive attached to laptop i started copying all needed files back to original places. Then all of a sudden a wiindow popup showing files zipping across rapidly as i realized files were being deleted or removed preventing any kind of recovery leaving 1 file system, and removing anything else to reinstall, recover, restore. anything MSFT like pdfs or aid in recovery or boot from were gone, file recovery of any kind gone. Programs related to boot or rescue deleted it removed files needed to exe. Program. Any extranal device plugged in to machine the same deleted files like wims gone& did so to compressed folders, iso, bin. Put new HD & it corrupts the diskpreventing install of any operating sys, linux too. Any disk placed in cdrom would have fileserased or disabled. As well as any antivirus program. Couldnt find any one on web with simular problem. People had lost files or got things deleted but deletions were selectful not random. I would like to know what happened this is novirus but some internal MSFT security measure in software or what? I need to know why this happened and how i get my files back. There was no illegal software, everything legitimate. I placed some of those usb drives in other machines and the same thing happed to them. 1 file set allowing operation recovery gone viruses do some of things i mention but notin this fashion. Is there some security measure like that or am i wrong if so what should i be looking for and how to remove it
Apr 22, 2017
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you are aware that Win 7 is no longer supported right?.

It sounds like it is some sort of Virus/Ransomware especially if it has disabled your AV app!. Why are you using an unsupported OS and expecting it to work without problems. What AV app do you have?. Are you running multiple computers on a network?.

If you have all your files backed up, do a fresh install and make sure that the first thing you install is a current Win 7 supported AV app.

Better still, upgrade Win 7 to Win 10, you should be able to upgrade it for free?. ;)

Where did you download the Win 7 ISO from?, is/was it a trusted site?, did you scan the downloaded file for a virus infection?. ;)

You mentioned Linux, are you booting from a USB stick or DVD?. Did you reset BIOS?. :cool:
Last edited:
Jul 14, 2020
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Yes am aware it's unsupported, my backup devise suffered the same problem after I connected to laptop, I new something was when my backups were somehow corrupted. Then I searched drive and found files missing in compressed folders, and regular folders. All anti-virus programs were disabled. Had some old machines that I using to try fiqure it out. Downloaded win7 from msft site. On there free download menu. I had called them on day I was trying to download their software trying to fiqure out why it was timing out and not downloading. Maybe it's my internet connection, because I had this problem I tried downloading some rescue and boot pe's from web and unable to download anything. Wifi Connection got so slow and keeps losing connectivity when I'm attempting to do something. Same thing when I connect directly to router. But don't know how to or where to check to see if someone has taking control my connection
Jul 14, 2020
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I tried to ask msft community but only received a blistering reply about abbreviations. Too funny...but have you ever of a virus that operates in that manner?
Apr 22, 2017
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Try a rescue disk, there are several at the link below, I don't know how effective they are or which one is the best?????. :)

Jul 14, 2020
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I appreciate your help wolfe, but guess I have to fix my internet/ router connection to see if that why I am having all these problems are connected. Have any suggestions on how to determine if it's compromised.
Apr 22, 2017
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Hi Anunakianu,

you could try resetting your router to factory settings and you would lose any changes you made to settings and have to redo your WiFi passwords if you changed them at all!. Which model is it?. :)

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