Cannot Transfer Files on/to External Devices

Nov 12, 2015
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I am having an extremely serious and irritating problem - please help if you can. I am having trouble moving data to external sources via USB. It always happens partwaY through a transfer. It gives me messages like the transfer could not be completed, that the device is no longer found, or the files aren't available. Most times when I restart it the transfer gets a bit further than it did the time before, but never by much and when moving large amounts of files it makes transferring my media and data impossible. Sometimes, after the computer is unsuccessful with the transfer the device is no longer recognized by the computer at all. It will call it an unknown device with ? next to it in the device manager. I try to install the drivers automatically but it just tells me I am using the newest drivers but will not register what the device is or allow me to view or transfer files on the device. Usually there is no problem transferring data from a usb connected drive to a different place on the same drive. It happens on both of my systems: An acer aspire one running windows 7, and a compaq presario running windows 10. It happens with all the usb ports (3 on each system). It happens even when I use several other cables to try to connect the device. I seem to be able to copy files from the drives to the computer, but when writing to the drives it gets stuck. It happens with 2 external hard drives, 2 phones, 4 usb drives, a tablet, and sd cards. What is going on here? Please, if anyone has any ideas - I'm stumped. I don't think I could have that many bad cables and usb ports. If there is something wrong with write protection, wouldn't it just not transfer anything at all? I have checked for viruses. I can still play songs and look at pictures from the drives so I know the files aren't completely corrupted. I'm the one everyone in my family comes to when they need their electronics fixed and here I am - unable to solve my own problem (and a big one it is). It might be a driver problem, but if that is true then why do the drivers get uninstalled? Why does it not recognize the device? The weirdest thing is that it happens on both systems.
It tells me the device can't be found, it uninstalls the drivers, tells me that my files will lose properties when I transfer them. It is extremely slow at loading and opening folders also. Explorer often times out and crashes. I don't know what to do! I need to get media onto my kids new laptop and tablet before christmas!!!


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
Typically this type of problem is related to power saving issues related to the USB controller.
Right click the Start Button select Device Manager from the context menu.
Expand your Universal Serial Bus Controllers
for each instance of a "Hub" regardless if it says superspeed, or Root of Generic, if it has the word "Hub" in the name" right click it and choose properties, select the Power Management Tab and uncheck the box that says "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power".
Then double check your Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Power Options\Edit Plan Settings\Change advanced power settings
USB setting\USB selective suspend settings = set it to disabled
PCI Express\Link State Power Management\Setting = set it to off
See if that helps. Might be a good idea to reboot, just to give the machine an opportunity to re-enumerate the hardware devices with their new settings.

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