SOLVED Can't type to log onto computer but can move mouse

Aug 27, 2017
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My computer was fidgeting so I restarted it. Now whenever I turn it on I can't type on my keyboard at all to type in my password to enter my computer. I have tried different keyboards and different usb ports and it's not the keyboard that broken. It's the computers problem. This is non virus related and I didn't install any new software before I restarted. I also took out the CMOS battery and put in back in as well and trying a system restore and it just brings me back to my login screen where I can't type in my password so I'm stuck outside of my computer. My computer is very important to me and if I can't get into it I can't do my job. Please help. I've tried everything and nothing is working. Thank you so much!
Oct 2, 2014
Reaction score
If you click the ease of use icon (looks like a little clock dial) on the bottom right of the login screen, you can bring up the on screen keyboard, and use the mouse to type your password. That should at least get you in to Windows.
Aug 27, 2017
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So after a night of inactivity it now works. I still have no idea what caused this or why it just fixed itself but thank you to people who were willing to help. I really appreciate it.

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