Does anybody know how to do an in-place repair upgrade?

Aug 28, 2016
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My computer has gone through the temporary profile error since May. I used a video to fix the error:

(a user by the name of regedit32 already watched this video and therefore needn't refer to it again)

The video failed, and my profile still hasn't been restored, except the path on which the files belonging to my actual profile can be found is now empty. I have seemingly run out of options. Therefore, I have only one choice which is the in-place upgrade. I've seen many tutorials on websites, but they have been too difficult as I am not the most technologically inclined. So, if anybody (including regedit32) knows how to perform an in-place upgrade while still keeping my files before the temporary profile errors, please explain. Also, could you please do it in layman's terms?


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
First of all.....
Do you have a backup of all your critical data?
Have you at any point performed any disk image backups as suggested here....
Which would allow you to return your installation, in a relatively short span of time, to a point in time when that image was created.
IF your answer to either or both is no, then I would strongly suggest you do both before going forward
AND then I would also recommend obtaining the latest version of the installation media to perform the in-place upgrade / repair.

Neosmart has a pretty good article on it here
You can skip the first couple paragraphs where they are promoting their recovery CDs and drill down to the meat of the article below.

IF you do not have the installation media, the ISO can be obtained here

Choose Windows 10, the first item in the first drop down (not single language at the bottom) * see note at bottom.
Next choose your language and your bit version (32 or 64 bit to match your system architecture or in the case of an upgrade, to match your currently installed version of Windows).
That will provide an ISO that will boot, upgrade, repair (or clean install) either or both Windows 10 Pro and Home.
Within Windows 10 you can just double click the ISO file to mount it as a virtual drive and run setup.exe from that virtual drive to perform the in-place / upgrade / repair.
*NOTE: In some cases, we've learned that some people have the "Single Language" version installed. In which case you would need that download. It's important that you match the ISO version that you download with your installation.

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