Double Underlined Words Produce Adds

Jan 16, 2018
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Almost every where I go on the net viewing text I see double underlined words and when the mouse cursor hits them an add pops up. It is annoying but I can avoid it by not touching them with the mouse. This just started recently and it's getting worse. I wonder if there is a way to get rid of it short of doing a system restore point?


Mar 4, 2016
Reaction score
Hi Ruko,

Welcome to the Forum.

From your description it sounds to me like what you are seeing is in-text advertising. Quite a few websites now use JavaScripts to dynamically locate key words in an article you are reading, which then double-underscores these key words to allow for a pop-up informational link. Generally, these pop ups will take you to more information on the topic you are exploring, but can also include ads as you have described.

Most of these types of sites will have a Terms of Service (TOS) agreement, or a Privacy Statement or a link to learn more, each of which will offer an opt out option, which is designed to turn this feature off.

Some third party app downloads, and some less well-behaved websites will force a install of a third party app that will generate these double underscored keywords too. An example of such an app is Text-Enhance so you could right-click on Start > select Settings > select Apps and review what apps are installed on your System, as it could be a simple case of uninstalling such an app if its sneaked onto your computer.

Alternatively, using apps like Ad-Aware, CCleaner can detect these apps and offer to remove them for you.

Note: Text-Enhance can also be installed as a Browser Helper Object as opposed to an app. Here are two links to articles on how to remove Text-Enhance should it have snuck onto your computer or embedded itself into your web browser.



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