Event ID 41 Task Category 63 Critical Error Activates in Different Scenarios

Mar 21, 2021
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(I'm placing the event viewer stuff below, but this takes some explaining, as there are multiple elements involved.)
So I got this new Lenovo P73 (latest model, very strong laptop overall, I'll leave specs below as well) in August 2020 (it's March 2021.) Since I got the laptop, I've been getting Event 41 Task Category 63 a few times a month. USUALLY, it's been triggered when I'm in sleep mode, and when I wake up the laptop, I'll find that all the programs have been closed and Event Viewer shows ID 41 Task Category 63. Unlike other users with this issue, the error never triggered during usage (until yesterday). It has happened about 10-20 times since I bought the laptop. I tried fixing this by only letting the power button wake the computer up from sleep mode. This did not solve things.
Yesterday, something completely new happened: I noticed that my computer had pending Windows updates. I put it in sleep mode so it would NOT update while I went to take a shower. When I came back, the PC was "on" as indicated by the power light, and the fans were on high, but the display would NOT wake up. It wouldn't even show a BSOD; it was completely stuck in this 'screen off fans on high and very hot air coming out of the laptop' mode. This continued for 6 hours. I had to shut it down, losing a lot of progress on an essay :(. When I turned it on again after 10 minutes, all my programs were closed. I opened chrome, word, and event viewer, but 5 minutes later, I got an official BSOD with the message "CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED". It could not gather information on the BSOD. I shut the computer down for the night and went to bed.
Today (the next day) I woke up to do some work, and turned on the computer. Event Viewer showed 2 Event ID 41's Task Category 63 from the night before. I noticed that my computer no longer said it could "restart and shut down and update" from power, so I assumed it had updated. (i did NOT want this to happen.) So, I went to go change my advanced update settings from settings. I clicked on "advanced update settings" and SETTINGS CRASHED. An error message popped up on my screen, from explorer.exe, saying something like "the instruction at 0x (i forget the numbers) referenced memory at 0x (i forget the numbers). The required data was not placed into memory because of an I/O error status of (i forget the numbers)." I used print screen to take a screenshot, but do not have the screenshot (for reasons I'm about to describe). I immediately tried to go into chrome to google my issue. however, chrome couldn't do anything and said my computer had an issue (i forget the exact message but it had nothing to do with connection). My screen then flashed black. If you remember wayyyy back to windows 7, you'll remember how there was a "colored/transparent" theme and a "clear opaque" theme used if your computer was overloaded. When the screen came back, only the error message from explorer.exe showed, but its theme now looked like that "windows 7 clear opaque" theme. (I didn't have enough time to look at it to make sure they were exactly the same.) The screen flashed like this twice more before crashing (without a BSOD.) I didn't have time to save a screenshot of the error or open event viewer. When my computer came back, I tried to open event viewer. I left the computer on the desktop with NOTHING ELSE open as event viewer tried to load the logs. Before the logs could load, I got a BSOD. When I rebooted it AGAIN, event viewer showed 4 instances of Event 41 Task Category 63 in the last 24 hours. It stands out to me because each time, my computer crashed once without a BSOD, and then 5 minutes later crashed with a BSOD.
This is the only time this has happened; every other instance of ID 41 has happened in sleep mode and has crashed the computer while I am away. I would use safe mode, but there is no reliable way to get this event to trigger; it usually occurs every 2-3 weeks on its own, regardless of CPU usage. I mentioned that the 3rd crash was caused from trying to change update settings, but once the computer relogged I could access those settings without issue and my changes were saved. I believe these crashes may have something to do with my computer updating, but I don't have any hard proof. CMD's sfc scannow says that it cannot find any issues. Malwarebytes can't find any viruses. Another interesting thing is that the computer I used before this, a Dell desktop from 2013 running windows 7, also got semi-frequent event id 41s. When I transferred my files over from computer to computer, I used a flash drive, but only transferred my documents - I just redownloaded all of my programs/apps to avoid bringing over any issues.
What I find interesting is that in the error category of event viewer, every time I get the Event 41, I get a few other events too: Event ID 1 from source WiMan (The description for Event ID 1 from source WiMan cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted.), Event ID 2 (Session "Microsoft.Windows.Remediation" failed to start with the following error: 0xC0000035), and Event ID 6008 (The previous system shutdown at (same time of Event 41) on ‎(date of Event 41) was unexpected.)
Specs: 32 GB memory, 1TB SSD storage (758 GB is free, abt 200GB is used). i7 9th gen. Nvidia quadro graphics card (t series?). Windows 10.

Here's the dump of one of the Event 41 Task Category 63. The dumps actually vary between logs, I'll add notes to the bottom.

- Provider

[ Name] Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power
[ Guid] {331c3b3a-2005-44c2-ac5e-77220c37d6b4}

EventID 41

Version 6

Level 1

Task 63

Opcode 0

Keywords 0x8000400000000002

- TimeCreated

[ SystemTime] 2021-03-20T08:06:58.838598300Z

EventRecordID 36638


- Execution

[ ProcessID] 4
[ ThreadID] 8

Channel System

Computer LAPTOP-QH27R7A6

- Security

[ UserID] (not sure if i should keep the 'security' id private. it gave me an actual id here.)

- EventData

BugcheckCode 239
BugcheckParameter1 0xffffa088536db080
BugcheckParameter2 0x0
BugcheckParameter3 0x0
BugcheckParameter4 0x0
SleepInProgress 0
PowerButtonTimestamp 0
BootAppStatus 0
Checkpoint 0
ConnectedStandbyInProgress false
SystemSleepTransitionsToOn 0
CsEntryScenarioInstanceId 0
BugcheckInfoFromEFI true
CheckpointStatus 0

Notes on this: BugcheckInfoFromEFI seems to frequently change from true to false between different instances of Event 41. BugCheckCode is either 239, 340, or 0. BugcheckParameter1 also seems to change between different addresses, ranging from actual addresses to just 0x0; there is no correlation between the address of this parament and the bugcheckcode.

Again, I'd like to point out that these usually happen so infrequently, usually while I'm not even present, and without any reliable way to trigger it, that entering safe mode wouldn't show a difference. sfc scannow says im fine too.
Mar 21, 2021
Reaction score
(I'm placing the event viewer stuff below, but this takes some explaining, as there are multiple elements involved.)
So I got this new Lenovo P73 (latest model, very strong laptop overall, I'll leave specs below as well) in August 2020 (it's March 2021.) Since I got the laptop, I've been getting Event 41 Task Category 63 a few times a month. USUALLY, it's been triggered when I'm in sleep mode, and when I wake up the laptop, I'll find that all the programs have been closed and Event Viewer shows ID 41 Task Category 63. Unlike other users with this issue, the error never triggered during usage (until yesterday). It has happened about 10-20 times since I bought the laptop. I tried fixing this by only letting the power button wake the computer up from sleep mode. This did not solve things.
Yesterday, something completely new happened: I noticed that my computer had pending Windows updates. I put it in sleep mode so it would NOT update while I went to take a shower. When I came back, the PC was "on" as indicated by the power light, and the fans were on high, but the display would NOT wake up. It wouldn't even show a BSOD; it was completely stuck in this 'screen off fans on high and very hot air coming out of the laptop' mode. This continued for 6 hours. I had to shut it down, losing a lot of progress on an essay :(. When I turned it on again after 10 minutes, all my programs were closed. I opened chrome, word, and event viewer, but 5 minutes later, I got an official BSOD with the message "CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED". It could not gather information on the BSOD. I shut the computer down for the night and went to bed.
Today (the next day) I woke up to do some work, and turned on the computer. Event Viewer showed 2 Event ID 41's Task Category 63 from the night before. I noticed that my computer no longer said it could "restart and shut down and update" from power, so I assumed it had updated. (i did NOT want this to happen.) So, I went to go change my advanced update settings from settings. I clicked on "advanced update settings" and SETTINGS CRASHED. An error message popped up on my screen, from explorer.exe, saying something like "the instruction at 0x (i forget the numbers) referenced memory at 0x (i forget the numbers). The required data was not placed into memory because of an I/O error status of (i forget the numbers)." I used print screen to take a screenshot, but do not have the screenshot (for reasons I'm about to describe). I immediately tried to go into chrome to google my issue. however, chrome couldn't do anything and said my computer had an issue (i forget the exact message but it had nothing to do with connection). My screen then flashed black. If you remember wayyyy back to windows 7, you'll remember how there was a "colored/transparent" theme and a "clear opaque" theme used if your computer was overloaded. When the screen came back, only the error message from explorer.exe showed, but its theme now looked like that "windows 7 clear opaque" theme. (I didn't have enough time to look at it to make sure they were exactly the same.) The screen flashed like this twice more before crashing (without a BSOD.) I didn't have time to save a screenshot of the error or open event viewer. When my computer came back, I tried to open event viewer. I left the computer on the desktop with NOTHING ELSE open as event viewer tried to load the logs. Before the logs could load, I got a BSOD. When I rebooted it AGAIN, event viewer showed 4 instances of Event 41 Task Category 63 in the last 24 hours. It stands out to me because each time, my computer crashed once without a BSOD, and then 5 minutes later crashed with a BSOD.
This is the only time this has happened; every other instance of ID 41 has happened in sleep mode and has crashed the computer while I am away. I would use safe mode, but there is no reliable way to get this event to trigger; it usually occurs every 2-3 weeks on its own, regardless of CPU usage. I mentioned that the 3rd crash was caused from trying to change update settings, but once the computer relogged I could access those settings without issue and my changes were saved. I believe these crashes may have something to do with my computer updating, but I don't have any hard proof. CMD's sfc scannow says that it cannot find any issues. Malwarebytes can't find any viruses. Another interesting thing is that the computer I used before this, a Dell desktop from 2013 running windows 7, also got semi-frequent event id 41s. When I transferred my files over from computer to computer, I used a flash drive, but only transferred my documents - I just redownloaded all of my programs/apps to avoid bringing over any issues.
What I find interesting is that in the error category of event viewer, every time I get the Event 41, I get a few other events too: Event ID 1 from source WiMan (The description for Event ID 1 from source WiMan cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted.), Event ID 2 (Session "Microsoft.Windows.Remediation" failed to start with the following error: 0xC0000035), and Event ID 6008 (The previous system shutdown at (same time of Event 41) on ‎(date of Event 41) was unexpected.)
Specs: 32 GB memory, 1TB SSD storage (758 GB is free, abt 200GB is used). i7 9th gen. Nvidia quadro graphics card (t series?). Windows 10.

Here's the dump of one of the Event 41 Task Category 63. The dumps actually vary between logs, I'll add notes to the bottom.

- Provider

[ Name] Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power
[ Guid] {331c3b3a-2005-44c2-ac5e-77220c37d6b4}

EventID 41

Version 6

Level 1

Task 63

Opcode 0

Keywords 0x8000400000000002

- TimeCreated

[ SystemTime] 2021-03-20T08:06:58.838598300Z

EventRecordID 36638


- Execution

[ ProcessID] 4
[ ThreadID] 8

Channel System

Computer LAPTOP-QH27R7A6

- Security

[ UserID] (not sure if i should keep the 'security' id private. it gave me an actual id here.)

- EventData

BugcheckCode 239
BugcheckParameter1 0xffffa088536db080
BugcheckParameter2 0x0
BugcheckParameter3 0x0
BugcheckParameter4 0x0
SleepInProgress 0
PowerButtonTimestamp 0
BootAppStatus 0
Checkpoint 0
ConnectedStandbyInProgress false
SystemSleepTransitionsToOn 0
CsEntryScenarioInstanceId 0
BugcheckInfoFromEFI true
CheckpointStatus 0

Notes on this: BugcheckInfoFromEFI seems to frequently change from true to false between different instances of Event 41. BugCheckCode is either 239, 340, or 0. BugcheckParameter1 also seems to change between different addresses, ranging from actual addresses to just 0x0; there is no correlation between the address of this parament and the bugcheckcode.

Again, I'd like to point out that these usually happen so infrequently, usually while I'm not even present, and without any reliable way to trigger it, that entering safe mode wouldn't show a difference. sfc scannow says im fine too.
An update: I apparently can't attatch a dump file because I got event ID 161: "Dump file creation failed due to error during dump creation." My computer can't create dump files, apparently. I also got another BSOD since posting 24 hours ago, this time where Microsoft Word closed itself without warning and then the windows taskbar search bar function wouldn't work. I got a BSOD 2 minutes later, still Event 41. (At time of the crash, all I had open was that 1 word document, so I know the computer wasn't overloaded from usage.) THE MOST RELEVANT PART TO THIS IS THAT I found another Event ID that may be related to the crashes. Event ID 17 from DPTF - while the description is very long, a quick google shows that it is related to the laptop's power (specifically the intel chip.) Not sure what to do. It doesn't always happen every time I get an Event 41 though, and it happens even without a 41. But a few of the time/dates of the 17s match the 41s. Considering that both 17 and 41 are related to power, I was wondering if these instances were connected.
Apr 22, 2017
Reaction score

firstly I would stop using sleep mode if it is causing you problems, I always shut my computers down and don't personally use sleep mode or screen savers!.

If push comes to shove, do a system reset but you will have to re-install your apps again (use the following link to install several apps at once: https://ninite.com/ ).


Mar 21, 2021
Reaction score

firstly I would stop using sleep mode if it is causing you problems, I always shut my computers down and don't personally use sleep mode or screen savers!.

If push comes to shove, do a system reset but you will have to re-install your apps again (use the following link to install several apps at once: https://ninite.com/ ).


I mean I had problems with this since like week 1 of this computer. It was a completely clean install too. of the problems in recent days (the 5 crashes), only 1 was related to sleep mode - the rest happened during active use during completely different scenarios (varying from 21 GB of memory being in use with several different programs like photoshop, sai, 51+ chrome tabs, 10+ word documents, and more being open; to only 5GB being in use with just 1 word document open.) i would really like to know what is causing these issues before i try to apply fixes.
Apr 22, 2017
Reaction score
What are your system specs, please list them below including power supply, CPU and GPU, what type of disk drive (SSD or HDD). ;)

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