Frequent BSOD even after upgrading to RTX3080

Nov 21, 2021
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So I have been trying to debug this problem for quite some time now. This started like 15 days ago I started getting Frequent BSODs I wasn't sure why it was happening and at that time I was on windows 11 and my PC's config - Ryzen 7 1700, 32 Gigs ram, GTX 1080, and for the boot drive a Samsung 980 1TB ssd.

So after reading a lot of posts online I felt Ryzen 7 1700 may not be a great processor to run win 11 with all the memory leak issues that many other users had and I downgraded to win 10. First 2 days everything was alright I got like 1 BSOD every day at the start then it started getting worst. I did test my RAM and C drive for issues and everything seemed normal.

Some 1 month ago when I tried to repaste my 1080 I accidentally knocked off one capacitor and I did solder that afterwards. So I thought maybe that might be causing some issues. and fortunately, I was able to buy an RTX3080 FE at 62,000RS which is like 890USD which was a great price so I upgraded. Long story short the upgrade did not fix BSOD. So I thought it might be due to some bad drivers and reinstalled win10 again. and It is stable than it used to be but I still get BSOD.

It would be great if someone can help me I'm attaching my minidumps here. It's just sad that I finally have an RTX card and I'm not able to experience it to its fullest :/

I had 3 continuous BSODs just an hour ago. attaching the zip of the minidumps of all 3.


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Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
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Hello and welcome to the forum.
Are you running the latest chipset driver
Are you running the latest BIOS update
Please check and confirm that the links above, apply to your specific motherboard and its' revision number.

I did test my RAM and C drive for issues and everything seemed normal.
I'm not sure how you went about performing those two test, but ....
You should start with
Download Memtest86+ from this location here. Burn the ISO to a CD and boot the computer from the CD from a cold boot after leaving it off for an hour.

Ideally let it run for at least 7 passes / 6-8 hours (overnight even better). First test system as presently configured with all RAM modules in place, If errors appear before that you can stop that particular test. Any time Memtest86+ reports errors, it can be either bad RAM or a bad Mobo slot. Perform the test on RAM sticks individually as well as all possible combinations. When you find a good one then test it in all slots.
See this Guide to using Memtest 86+

While all three dump files suggest different issues

When looking at the stack trace they all seem to have one thing in common "Page Faults"
nt!KiPageFault + 0x35e
nt!KiPageFault + 0x35e
32 Gigs ram
Of the four available memory slots on your motherboard....
How many are you currently using??
Is the memory you are using on the motherboard manufacturer's compatibility list?
Nov 21, 2021
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Hey, thank you so much for taking your time to reply

I was using the windows memory diagnostic tool for checking my RAM. I will surely try to use Memtest86+.
and for the RAM I have 2 x 16gig sticks both DDR4 2400 . I have been using it for quite some time now (more than a year) but I'm facing the issue only recently


and for the chipset driver and bios. I did update them when I was on windows 11 and when I reinstalled windows 10 I installed chipset drivers again and checked bios it was in the latest version.

just got my bootpendrive with mem test let me run it for the next few hours, ill be sure to post my results!.

Thankyou so much again :)
Apr 18, 2021
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I would think that flaky RAM is the most likely cause - all three minidumps are caused by referencing an invalid RAM page (hence the page faults). I do notice however that in two of the dumps the process in control was chrome.exe and in the other it was csrss.exe - this is the Windows component that manages the desktop window environment. It does make me wonder then whether your problems are being caused by a rogue Chrome extension? It wouldn't be the first time that a browser extension has caused problems. Perhaps try running Chrome with all extensions enabled and see whether it still BSODs?

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