Fresh Newly installed Windows 10 keeps getting corrupted after few days! Please Assist

May 13, 2024
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Hey there, few months ago I repaired one of my old pc which required a new motherboard, after getting my hands on it was running smoothly until I started getting BSOD Errors especially Memory Management. When I looked up onto the internet I found it can be due to ram issues so I upgraded to 6Gb Ram. The system started to run smoothly again but just like previously it started to show bsod errors I tried sfc, disk, resetting everything you name it I tried, then I thought the local repair shop may have installed a corrupted windows so I clean installed it through windows 10 iso file ver.22H2 but I still got the same errors even after reinstalling multiple times, but I noticed that when I use CHKDSK Utility of windows the pc gets running for a few days, so I ran a hard disk surface test and found out that there were many bad sectors which were not repairable by CHKDSK (also Crystal Disk Info shows errors like uncorrected sector counts), I anyways have ordered a new SSD but I'm still not sure if it will do the job please help somebody 🙏
PC specs:- Intel Pentium dual core processor @2.9GHz (please don't laugh)
6GB Ram
Consistent H61 Nvme motherboard
Some old unbranded Sata II HDD 256GB
Sep 26, 2017
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Since your present drive has a lot of errors I wouldn't even think about any other than saving what data that exists nowhere else to an external USB drive then performing a full install on the new drive. If Win10 has already been activated there should be no issue activating with the new drive.
May 13, 2024
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Yeah I've backed up my data, but will installing new SSD help with all the bsod errors or are there any other problems according to you.
Thank you
Sep 26, 2017
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I connect only the main/primary drive, install Windows and after it is running add in another, usually larger, drive for data storage. Not copying the old drive itself should not also move the problems. The saved data can be added back in as needed.
May 13, 2024
Reaction score
I connect only the main/primary drive, install Windows and after it is running add in another, usually larger, drive for data storage. Not copying the old drive itself should not also move the problems. The saved data can be added back in as needed.
Ok thank you

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