The article mentions "legacy Windows desktop". There are people who like the look and feel of Windows Vista and Windows 7. I think the folks at Microsoft
have to do something to justify their existence. We had to do that in the US Air Force, and probable the other services as well.
The last Windows Update that I allowed made my Dell XPS 8920 (c. 2017) made Windows 10 useless. I ditched the update (during re-boot - some GUI over DOS) turned Windows Update off to protect the current environment.
My other computer is a Dell Inspiron 530 (c. 2009) that runs Windows 7 and the winmail.exe client from Windows Vista. I liked that you could save messages easily with just drag and drop. I got it to run briefly on the Windows 10 machine until the first Windows 10 Update made winmail.exe inoperable. (Thanks a lot, Microsoft!)
Windows 10 has the bare-bones Windows Mail client. To save messages you have to "Save As..." one at a time and search for a place to put them. Microsoft wants you to buy Outlook, which has way more features than I will ever use.
Dr. McCoy in the first Star Trek movie remarked, "Engineers just
love to change things!" Scotty in Star Trek III says of the USS Excelsior (a part of "The Great Experiment"), "The more they overtake the plumbing, the easier it is to stop up the drain!"