SOLVED How do you add a new folder in the navigation pane in File Explorer under 'This PC?’

Jul 18, 2016
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Can anybody give me a step-by-step instructional on how to put a new folder in the navigation pane of File Explorer?

I have looked at many instructions to this on the web but I thought it could be simplified in here. Can you give me a nice, step-by-step easy instructional on how to do this please?

Another, annoying thing that has happened is; after this latest, large Windows update, I have had to reposition my original, regular folders in the File Explorer navigation pane to where they were before the update AGAIN! Yes, this is the 2nd time I've had to do it. So annoying! Fortunately, I'd already received an answer on this in these forums the first time it happened.

I say to anyone who has got an answer in here for something like this before. Make sure you keep it at hand for the future so you know how to put your Windows 10 back the way it was before any big updates are installed in the future.

Also, can anyone tell me what this new folder in the navigation pane of File Explorer called “3D Objects” is for? Will I ever use it? If not, could I turn this into another folder and rename it to “Screenshots” therefore not needing to add a new folder to the navigation pane?




Mar 4, 2016
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“3D Objects” is for?

The Fall Update introduced 3D Objects as a new directory. This is here to contain 3-Dimensional applications such as Paint 3D and Mixed Reality View. It will also be a repository for any projects you create using either of these applications.

I'm currently reviewing a insider build and note that currently this 3D Objects directory is empty, with the two mentioned objects located elsewhere.

You may not be interested in creating 3-Dimensional pictures, or models. If that is the case you can remove the GUID for this folder from your Registry, which will remove the 3D Objects folder from your Navigation bar.

There are two locations that need removing.

To do this, do the following:
  • Close your File Explorer is its open
  • Press Windows key + S to give focus to the Search field
  • In the search field type command then in the search results right-click on Command Prompt and select Run as administrator
  • Next click on Yes when the User Account Control prompts you
  • Now in the Administrator: Command Prompt console type or copy & paste the following:
REG DELETE "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MyComputer\NameSpace\{0DB7E03F-FC29-4DC6-9020-FF41B59E513A}" /F

Press Enter key

REG DELETE "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MyComputer\NameSpace\{0DB7E03F-FC29-4DC6-9020-FF41B59E513A}" /F

Press Enter key

Sample image


Type exit then press Enter key

You can now re-open File Explorer and the 3D Objects folder will no longer display

Sample image


To reverse this and hence restore the 3D Objects folder simple replace 'DELETE' in both commands with 'ADD' , for example:

REG ADD "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MyComputer\NameSpace\{0DB7E03F-FC29-4DC6-9020-FF41B59E513A}" /F

or download the attached REG files and right-click on them and choose Merge.

In regards to your desire to modify a sub-folder name below This PC, with the intention of using the folder to store personal files, this is not advisable, and should not be attempted.

You can however, remove any of the folders using the method above if you know their Namespace GUID values.

You can also add your own custom folder, using any icon you wish and your own choice for a name. This is a complex task, which is explained quite well in the link Norton posted above. You need to be very careful doing this though, as Microsoft never intended for this type of modification so doing so may result on instability of the OS if not done accurately.

I'd be happy to create a REG file which you can download and merge if you like, but would need to know what you'd like to name the folder, your preferred icon for it, and the type of file you intend to store in it [ e.g. Text, Music, Photos, a mix of file types, (if so what file types) ].

If you do decide to use the article Norton mentioned and therefore use the link it gives to a GUID creator, be aware its critical you have a unique GUID, and you can do this yourself using Windows PowerShell. If you need assistance with that let me know.




  • 3dobj.reg
    352 bytes · Views: 884
  • 3dobj2.reg
    376 bytes · Views: 888
Nov 19, 2013
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It is actually a bit easier than that. "This PC" is, in essence, shortcuts to other locations on your PC or even on your Lan.
For example, right click "This PC " and select "Add a network Location".
Follow the wizard and select any folder/File or Lan you wish and finish. This wil now appear in "This PC"


Mar 4, 2016
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I've designed a PowerShell Script to achieve this.

I'll post that shortly, after I've fully tested it in the Fall and earlier editions of Windows.
Jul 18, 2016
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Nice one Reg,

When you do eventually post it, can you also give step-by-step instructions on how to administer it please? The name that I will probably be giving to the folder is "Screenshots" in order to keep all my screenshots in it. Hopefully there will be a suitable icon for this?

I was even thinking of using the 3D folder for putting my screenshots in and somehow changing the name and icon of that folder accordingly.

A big thank you to all contributors (and all the different ways you can do this) regarding this question.


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Mar 4, 2016
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Well at last I have a working app for you.

Sorry it took a while to iron out one issue.

Attached is a Zipped folder named :
  • Download this file
  • Use your antivirus software to check file is safe
  • Right-click the zipped folder and select Extract all
  • You'll now see the executable: ThisPCModifier.exe
  • Right-click on the Executable and select Run as administrator to open and run the application

Example of what you'll see and using the application:


As the application initializes you'll see the above Command console


The application will take approximately 10 seconds to initialize. Upon starting you'll see the above screen.

To use this application simply:
  • enter a name for your new sub-directory folder
  • If you would like a bubble to appear when you hover your new sub-directory that describes its contents, then fill some information into the second description field. You can leave this empty if you wish.
  • Scroll and left-click on the icon you want to display for your sub-directory folder
  • Click the long button which will generate a unique GUID for the Registry, and create your sub-directory.
Note: The application will automatically clean up temporary files and close after creating the sub-directory.

At any stage before clicking the 'Create unique GUID ...' button you can change text in either field and select a different icon.

If you change you mind and simply want to cancel or close the application, then click the Cancel / Close button which will clean up a temporary directory and close the application.

In this current version of the application, a directory will be created in your ROOT [ eg: C:\<sub-directory name> to save files to after creating the sub-directory of ThisPC.

The new sub-directory will be created at the alphabetical position based on its name and other sub-directory names of ThisPC for now. I can modify this application to force the new sub-directory to be on the top of the list if you wish. When I release version 2 of this application I'll probably add an additional field for you to choose whether its on top of the list or alphabetically ordered.

I'll be updating the application in the coming weeks to add some more features and improvements. More on that will be posted in the Article section of this Forum along with the full source code.

If you have any suggestions for improvement or run into any issues using this please let me know.

Using the application I've created a sub-directory called Example to contain music scores. A folder named Example will appear at C:\Example where I can add music scores to.

Note: The application creates the folder at the root of the Windows OS so if your Windows is installed on a different partition such as F: then it'd be created there, for example, F:\Example




    133.2 KB · Views: 663


Oct 27, 2013
Reaction score
I've been using this same script on my PC, to add some folders that I often use ("Temp", etc...). Works great :D.
Nov 19, 2013
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The thread has intrigued me. I obviously am not getting the picture!

If I want to make a new folder in, say, my windows 10 folder or, as in Ian's example, Temp, I write click it and make the new folder. Naturally, (on my computer,) this then appears in the Nav pane.
Apparently something I am missing here??


Mar 4, 2016
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The thread has intrigued me. I obviously am not getting the picture!

The OP was wanting to pin a folder to ThisPC's namespace list located in the Registry. That involves creating a Registry hive to store its unique GUID and target folder, as you cannot simply right-click ThisPC and add a folder.

The executable I've attached allows you to do this in 4 easy and more importantly safe steps without the need to manually open the Registry, create a new hive, then edit that hive to adopt a folder you have chosen to create.
Feb 18, 2016
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What's the advantage, if any?
Same as @davehc mentioned, I'm not seeing the big picture either.
I never use the "This PC" library folders. It just as quick (for me) to click on My Docs right click and create a new folder in the personal user library. Seems like a lot of fuss, when a right click will suffice without editing the registry. Just my opinion.
Nov 19, 2013
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Quote "The OP was wanting to pin a folder to ThisPC's namespace list located in the Registry"

I didn't read that!
He wrote:

"Can anybody give me a step-by-step instructional on how to put a new folder in the navigation pane of File Explorer"
Feb 18, 2016
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Windows gives you the option to add files to Libraries. Right click on on any of the subfolders in"Libraries > Properties you can easily add/include files from anywhere, any drive. I can add music folders to one location (Nav Pane) from multiple drives for quick access or browsing. I guess it's what works for the users.
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Jul 18, 2016
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To be honest guys, I did not know how to go about this or what to expect for an answer.

I have tried Regedit32's script and I must say, it is brilliant! It almost takes no time at all to achieve using this script. I have to congratulate him on making such a nifty little tool.

I do need to ask one question to Regedit32.

Once you have made the entry, the icon is then shown under this PC. If for any reason at a point in the future you want to get rid of this entry, for example; you may want to change the icon. How would you go about doing this? Would it have to be deleted from the registry? If so, how?


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Mar 4, 2016
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Hi Heathsideboy,

For the time being you'd need to manually, modify the CLSID\GUID for your new sub-directory from within the Registry using regedit.exe. To do that you'd:
  • Press your Windows key and R together to open the run dialog
  • In the run dialog type regedit then click OK
  • When prompted by the User Account Control click Yes
  • Within the now open Registry Editor on the left pane:
    • Click the > next to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT to expand the hive
    • Now left click once on any of the sub-hives then type CLS which ought to take you directly to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID
    • Right-click on the CLSID and select Find
    • In the Fin dialog type the name of your folder under This PC and of the three choices for searching check the option Data. Leave all other check boxes unchecked.
Note: You may need to tap F3 to continue search if your folder name is a word that might be part of another Hives Data Value.

When the search has located the correct GUID you'll see in the right pane some data which includes your folder name and the description if you gave it a description. Based on my Example folder for Music scores this is what you'd see if you search for Example


Left-click the > next to the GUID to expand then left-click on DefaultIcon so you can view its data ion the right pane.


In the right pane if you right-click on the (Default) and select Modify you can change the value to a different number. So in this case I can replace the 17 with a different value from 0 to 411, which corresponds to a different icon as you saw in the application.

If you wanted to delete the folder altogether, then after locating the correct GUID

  • First copy the GUID name from the Address bar incuding the { } braces, then:
    • On left pane, right-click on the correct GUID and select Delete
    • Next, at top of Registry Editor click Edit > Find and paste the GUID including then { } braces into the search field, then Check the box next to Keys and leave the other boxes unchecked, then click Find
    • After a few seconds you'll be taken to the Namespace\GUID hive located within the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE region of the registry. Right-click that GUID in the left pane and select Delete
    • Close the Registry editor.
I'll be releasing Version 2.0 of this application in the not too distant future, which will include some additional features, so to make it a little easier to modify a new folder, or delete one, I'll see what I can do about including some functionality within the application for you. That may require a version 3.0 :eek:
Jul 18, 2016
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Hi Reg,

That's great. I haven't put it into practice yet but I'll take your word for it that it works :)

The other thing I meant to say was; all the files & folders in my "Documents," "Downloads," "Music," Pictures" & "Videos" libraries I had moved to my 'D' Drive for space saving.

Would I somehow be able to do the same with this new folder that I made using your method that I have called, "Screenshots?"




Mar 4, 2016
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You could but you may need to manually modify the Registry to change the TargetFolderPath Data value.

For example:


I'll see what I can do about offering a way to setup directories on the Users chosen File Path in a future version.
Jul 18, 2016
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Firstly, I could not find CLSID in capitals like that under HKEY_CLASSES._ROOT. I did find clsid in small case so I am assuming this is the correct string?

Reg 1.jpg

Secondly, after finding the correct GUID reference in the left-hand pane after typing the name of the folder under this PC, this showed as below:


The icon that I chose was number 273. You will see above that the string does not end in 273 as yours did with your particular icon number 17. In fact, the number in my particular string is very different to yours. Having said that, you can see in the right-hand pane it is showing the correct name and description of the folder as in 'Screenshots.' Am I in the correct place here?

Reg 2.jpg

Just want to be sure before I do anything. If I am in the wrong place, can you point me to the right place? There is definitely not a CLSID in capitals like that under HKEY_CLASSES._ROOT in my registry as I have checked and they are all in alphabetical order.




Mar 4, 2016
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In the left pane click the > to the left of the GUID you high lighted in your image to expand it.

Then, when you see its sub-hives, one will be DefaultIcon. Click on DefaultIcon to open its content in the right pane

Now in the right pane you'll see an entry named (Default). If you right-click that and select modify you can replace the 273 on the end of the Data value with the new number you want.

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